Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Columbia County schedules Library Trustee interviews

COLUMBIA COUNTY—County Commissioners Ryan Rundell (Chair), Jack Miller, and Marty Hall attended the March 6, 2023, regular commissioner’s meeting.

The commissioners approved two public works contracts, first for constructing ADA ramps and stairs at the fairgrounds’ Pavilion. Engineer/Public Works Director Grant Morgan recommended accepting the bid from Conframe Construction LLC, which was over $40,000 lower than the other two bids. The Commissioners unanimously approved awarding the contract to Conframe.

The second approved bid was for a two-year supply contract with Rock Hill Concrete to supply aggregate with pricing at $15.18 per ton for crushed surfacing top, and base course and pit run/borrow service at $15.15 per ton. The supplier is not required to have material available, only to list the price for materials that may later be available for purchase by the county.

An interlocal agreement with Ferry County for the purchase of the county’s 2021 Dodge Ram pickup was approved for $75,950, based on the property’s full value.

Resolution 2023-09 was discussed and opened to public comment. The resolution designates a portion of Eckler Mountain Road for the exclusive use of recreational vehicles from December 1 through April 1, making it consistent with the Forest Service’s restricted period.

During this period, the road between mileposts 12.53 and 16.08 would be closed to vehicles other than all-terrain vehicles (ATVs,) utility-task vehicles (UTV,) and other recreational tract vehicles. This is to protect the road when it is snow-covered and susceptible to damage from wheeled vehicles.

Landowners in the affected area may apply for permits to use wheeled or non-track vehicles through the public works department.

Public comment included concerns from a property owner about confusion over approved use and limits. He felt it was important to increase signage, improve education, and consistently enforce the laws to improve the situation and avoid possible altercations.

The resolution was approved as presented with the commissioners’ intent to revisit and possibly modify the resolution this year.

Morgan announced that his role as an interim engineer for Garfield County had ended. Since November, he has held the interim position, and the commissioners acknowledged the extra work.

The commissioners approved Zane Patton and Cody Chapman as new members of the Open Space Committee. The committee was formed in the early 70s and represents the active farming community in assessing land classified under RCW 84.34. Patton and Chapman will join current members Skip Mead, Chair Nathan Fletcher, Marty Hall, Randy James, and Eric Thorn, Advisor on the committee.

Dayton Chamber of Commerce Director Belinda Larson was present to discuss the county’s Lodging Tax allocation.

Rundell asked the Chamber to change how it requests money from the County for Lodging Tax funds. The Chamber previously asked 90% of the available funds to cover the approved costs for its events throughout the year.

Rundell would like the Chamber to submit separate applications for specific amounts for each event. This would be consistent with how other events, including Swim the Snake, apply for Lodging Tax funds from the county.

Rundell also asked for follow-up data on how the money was spent. Larsen said this is how the Chamber works with the City of Dayton, and she did not see a problem with making the requested changes.

The Council approved an intergovernmental agreement for the shared cost for the Superior Court administrator. The salary, with benefits, of $65,181.33 is shared by Garfield, Asotin, and Columbia Counties and apportioned based on 2021 assessed property tax valuations.

Columbia County agreed to pay $18,507.22, which is 28.39% of the salary, with benefits for 2023.

Planning Manager Dena Martin presented a short plat application submitted by Van Seney to divide an approximate 149-acre undeveloped parcel into four parcels. The resulting lots exceed the 10-acre minimum for AR-2 zoning. Martin said her department reviewed the application and it met all county and state requirements. The Board approved the subdivision map and application.

Commissioners discussed the procedures and scheduled interviews for filling the open positions on the Columbia County Rural Library Board of Trustees. The terms for the trustee positions are staggered to ensure continuity on the board.

The interviews will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 27 at the County Commissioner Offices on Main Street in Dayton.


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