Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

April 18, 2013

A 1948 dance program indicating that Mr. Dean Low, a Dayton High School senior should dance with Miss Beverly Roberts, a Waitsburg High School sophomore, was the instrument responsible for introducing the couple, who recently celebrated their 60th anniversary. This first dance initiated a 5-year courtship, the last three years mostly by mail while Dean was drafted into the army and Beverly attended Cottey Jr. College in Missouri, spent eight months recovering from hip surgery, and then attended Kinman Business College in Spokane. The two became engaged in the hallway of St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, MN, while Beverly convalesced from her surgery, and wed on April 11 1953, at the First Methodist Church in Walla Walla.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 23, 1998

Sarah Stanley, an 18-year-old Waitsburg High School junior, is the Queen of the 1998 Days of Real Sport. Stanley will reign over the 85th running of Waitsburg's annual two-day race meet slated for May 16-17. Stanley, the daughter of Joy Lindsey, Waitsburg, and Robert Stanley, Walla Walla, will ride a 17-year-old Arabian named Rosie in the Saturday parade in addition to representing Waitsburg at neighboring communities' events. A member of the Waitsburg Saddles N Spurs 4-H Club, the Walla Walla-born Stanley, who has ridden since she was seven years old, has ridden in many parades and has participated in fairs in Waitsburg, Dayton and Walla Walla. She has also taken part in weekend trail rides with her 4-H club.

Fifty Years Ago

April 19, 1973

[Photo Caption] Curtis Neal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal of Waitsburg and Peggy Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker of Waitsburg, were named outstanding junior students in the Waitsburg High School by the Masonic Lodges of Southeastern Washington.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

April 23, 1948

Myra Wardrip is ill with rheumatic fever at the home of her parents. She has a leave of absence at the Pacific Telephone Co. office in Walla Walla where she is night operator in charge.

Sue Collins, Eileen Nutting, Iris Casey, Marilyn Otterson, Miss Christopher and Mrs. Bob Collins attended the Home Economics open house at Washington State College Saturday. Seven schools were represented.

Mrs. Joe McCown and infant daughter Charleen, returned home from Brining Hospital in Dayton Wednesday.

One Hundred Years Ago

April 27, 1923

Miss Florence Shuham and Frank Merrill were married April 15 at New Castle, Wyoming.

Leishi Davis has been awarded the contract by the O.W.R. & N. of carrying the mail to and from the depot to the postoffice.

Edgar Freeman, manager of the silver fox farm on the Touchet above Dayton, reports the safe arrival last week of seven baby fox.

Mrs. G. G. Bickelhaupt entertained the Progressive Club Tuesday afternoon, Miss Dorothy Harris and Miss Margaret Cutting played piano solos.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 29, 1898

Capt. C. T. Smith has received orders to recruit his company to 98 men and to await further orders. This number, including the three commissioned officers, will make a total of 101.

Aunt Roxie Keiser is having a number of substantial improvements made on her residence. The house is being raised and a new roof will be put on. Several new porches will be added. When finished the appearance will be greatly improved.

Prescott school closed last Friday. Quite a number of visitors were present. Supt. G. S. Bond presented Miss Myrtle Hart and Miss Edna Sharp each a diploma they having completed the 8th grade work. Supt. Bond and Mr. Kirkhope delivered short addresses to the school.


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