Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

May 9, 2013

Volunteers from the Waitsburg Historical Society have spent recent weeks at the Wilson-Phillips house, busily readying it for the upcoming Waitsburg Celebration Days. The home was purchased in 2008 by Mary Phillips, who made significant improvements, including new paint, a roof replacement and repairing and re-routing broken sewer lines prior to renting it out for a brief time. In 2011 Phillips donated the home to the Waitsburg Historical Society. The Society faced concern over taking on the expenses associated with the property – utilities, maintenance and repairs. But they were able to redirect some endowments to cover operating expenses, allowing them to accept the generous donation. Initially viewed as a meeting place and storage facility, the Wilson-Phillips house has grown into a legitimate extension of the adjacent Bruce House and Carriage House museums, offering specific advantages of its own.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 14, 1998

[Photo Caption] Dave McConnell, assisted by his wife Jill, announced their final Days of Real Sport last spring. The McConnells climbed off the announcer’s stand for the last time after about 37 years of service as announcer for the Days of Real Sport.

Fifty Years Ago

May 10, 1973

Mrs. Gordon Talbott, Walla Walla, assisted by Mrs. Lynden Gerking and Mrs. Clifford Leid entertained members of Dayton, Chapter No. 13, Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington at her country home Thursday afternoon with a dessert luncheon served from a table decorated with lace and centered with pink tulips from her own garden. Mrs. John Martin was greeted as new member. At business, conducted by Mrs. Gilbert Blue, president, letters were read regarding the Wenaha-Upper Tucanon Wilderness area and the Tussock moth infestation in Southeast Washington and Northeast Oregon. It was noted that Mrs. Dan Evans has been a recent visitor to Walla Walla giving details of the governor’s mansion renovation plans. The mansion which had been scheduled several years ago to be destroyed and replaced has been “saved” through the efforts of the State Association of the Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington with the assistance of many other organizations.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 14, 1948

Miss Barbara Cockburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockburn was crowned Queen of the Days of Real Sport Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Conover, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stonecipher, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Eaton and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawrence are attending the State Republican convention in Bellingham this weekend.

Bob Danforth has returned here from Kent and plans to spend the summer working before entering college this fall. He went to Spokane Tuesday to visit with his mother.

One Hundred Years Ago

May 18, 1923

Fred Bachmann of Wilson Hollow, was plowing for Mr. Keve on Jasper Mt. last week and the eight horses ran away along the wire fence and one of them jumped over catching his leg. They tore out 13 fence posts before they stopped but none of them were seriously hurt.

A very pleasant time was spent by a crowd of little friends that gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Eaton to help their daughter, Ursula Flo, celebrate her fifth birthday.

Flanders and Henderson under direction of the City Council, took down the municipal flagpole, which has stood at the corner Main and Second Street for so many years.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 20, 1898

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawks of Waitsburg’s north vicinity, and Miss Maud Hawks, a Huntsville belle, were visiting in Spring Valley Sunday.

A very pleasant party was given in honor of Miss Mae Denny’s 20th birthday at her home on Wednesday afternoon of this week. Quite a number were present and enjoyed delicious ice cream and cake.

Miss Lottie Mullinix, a Whitman College student, has returned to her home in this city to spend the summer.


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