Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Keeping Children safe?

Dear Editor:

As I have mentioned before, don’t let “their” opinion be yours. Take time to visit the library, talk to Todd, the director, and see how much the library has to offer. In a recent conversation with a friend, they mentioned the library having pornography, but in the same conversation, they admitted to not having been to the library or talked to Todd.

In my opinion, moving a book is not about keeping our children safe but more about control.

Keeping our children safe is a whole lot more than moving a book or closing a library that does an immense amount of good for this community.

I advocate taking that same energy and having gatherings with parents on how to have those difficult conversations. Keep communications open and be non-judgmental.

What age is considered “young adults?” It differs, but some suggest 13 to 18, others 14 to 18. That is the age that young adults experiment with sex, drugs, drinking, and their identity. Two of my friends, locally, have grandchildren, one of whom, at 13, declares herself as bi-gender, and the other, a grandson at 15, declares he would like to be a girl. Moving a book is not going to change them, but perhaps, instead of suicide because no one understands them, the book validates their feelings and thoughts.

Reading a book about being gay is not going to make anyone gay, and praying away gayness doesn’t work.

Keeping children safe? How about, at a very early age, having a conversation that says it’s not okay for anyone to touch you, including priests, neighbors, uncles, etc?

Keeping children safe? How about having a conversation about sex and why it might be a good idea to wait until this young adult becomes an adult? If the decision had been made, then let’s talk about being protected, so a decision to keep the baby, have an abortion, or adopt out the child is NEVER a conversation that will become a reality. I recently had a conversation with a friend’s daughter, 18, who I knew had a boyfriend. “Sally, I hear you have a boyfriend.” Sally: “Yes, and he is so awesome.” Me: “Are you having sex?” Sally became doe-eyed and said quietly, “Yes.” I said, “I don’t care, but I hope you are protected because the last thing you need is a baby to interrupt your career choice.” With relief, she said she was and agreed.

Keeping children safe? I believe parents should have a conversation with those who play video games that kill opponents. Mom/Dad: “You know that’s not real life because, in real life, they don’t get to return for another game.”

Keeping children safe? Many, if not most, have phones or iPads. Online dating apps are easy to get. Have a conversation about how many adults target young children, and pretend to be high school kids, often talking them into taking explicit pictures.

Keeping children safe? Many, if not most, have televisions in their rooms. Shows after 9 p.m. often show couples in bed, under the sheets. Or movies rated R that make me blush. Pornography is different to all. For some, it’s movies showing actors mostly naked, having sex. For others, it is the same sex kissing and then having sex, and for yet others, it’s the hardcore, graphic, descriptive wording and actions. My boys were taken to a strip joint after turning 18, and both were embarrassed for the girls, saying they could have been someone’s sister.

Keeping children safe? Has any parent checked their kids’ search history? A kid doesn’t have to search out a library book to satisfy their curiosity. Google, “What does it mean to be transgender?” or “I’m attracted to the same sex.” And I won’t name more explicit words they can check out.

Keep children safe? Some parents believe drinking is okay. After all, it’s common in high school to have keggers, except nowadays, they mix in drugs. A sad story, a local Walla Walla father lost his 14-year-old daughter to drinking heavily, then choking on her vomit. How do parents move on from that, adding guilt to the grief?

In my opinion, I think moving a few books around isn’t going to keep our children safe. I think learning how to have open and non-judgmental conversations on both sides is a start. True story—My dad said, “Sis, there will be plenty of time after you are married,” implying, of course, sex. My mom says, “Yeah, too much time.”

And that was the end of that conversation.

A friend told me her mom gave her a book called “Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask.” She said she was pretty sure her grandma gave it to her mom.

A library is a valuable asset to any community. Closing it down is not going to keep our children safe. Giving them verbal communication skills and the knowledge of what to be aware of will.

In my opinion.

Teeny McMunn

Dayton, Wash.


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