Ten Years Ago
June 6, 2013
There are few occasions in life more filled with expectation than high school graduation. This ceremony, more than any other in our society, marks the shift from childhood to adulthood. The parents and teachers who have thus far provided care, authority and tutelage, step into a background role and watch as the young adults take the lead. Waitsburg Valedictorian Samantha Moss (3.972 GPA) spoke to those expectations as she addressed the crowd and the 29 other graduates of the WHS class of 2013 at Friday night's graduation ceremony. Reiterating the definition of the word 'expectation' Moss reminded listeners that expectations are different for everyone, and success can be achieved through a variety of paths. Moss shared this thought with her peers. "Here's an expectation for your future – Do what you want in life and what makes you happy. However, make sure you understand that this philosophy also has an expectation of being self-sufficient and a positive member of society."
Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 11, 1998
The larger, better ventilated high school gym was the venue for Waitsburg High School's 103rd Commencement Exercises, parting from long-standing tradition of holding the ceremony in the high school auditorium, a move which was met with general approval, according to the comments of many. The event marked graduation for the 27 members of W.H.S.'s Class of 1998 last Friday evening. Speaking before the packed audience of family and friends were valedictorian Susa Roberts, daughter of Brenda Smith, Waitsburg, and Dr. Williams Roberts, Arcadia, Wisc.; salutatorian Adam Erikson, son of Sherri Erikson, Waitsburg, and Roland and Debbie Erikson, Waitsburg; Kynde Kiefel, daughter of Michael and Kristi Kiefel, Waitsburg; and Chris Pearson, son of Randy and Becky Pearson, Waitsburg, and the late Mary Pearson. Roberts also was recognized as recipient of the Washington State Honors Award.
Fifty Years Ago
June 7, 1973
[Photo Caption] Scholarships winners of the class of 1973 proudly pose for a post-graduation portrait: Back row, left to right, Debbie Williams, Cherrie Olson, Mickie Jensen, Susan Sharpe, Patti Huwe, Barb Beechinor, Linda Lybecker. Front row: Margaret John, Carrie Mae Henze, Jim Callahan, Rob Danforth, Becki Estes and Louse Brown.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 11, 1948
Marilyn Otterson, a graduate of the class of 1948 from Waitsburg High School was awarded the first PTA scholarship which may be used in any college of her choice.
Miss Colleen Collins who is spending the summer in Waitsburg before accepting a teaching position this fall, has been employed as summer editor of the Waitsburg Times.
Ben Bloor who was formerly with the Yakima Wholesale Co. is now employed at Bloor's Market.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 15, 1923
Frank Callahan, orchardist, who has been experimenting with a quarter acre of head lettuce on some vacant bottom ground adjoining his orchard, advises us that this crop is by far exceeding his highest expectations.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klatt were the hosts to about forty friends from Walla Walla a few afternoons ago. They came up in a big truck and spent the afternoon and evening. Mr. Klatt says they were given strawberries and thick cream until they could eat no more. It was a jolly bunch and seemed to have a fine time.
Success is still operated on the self-service plan.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 17, 1898
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cox and daughter Grace left Thursday evening of this week for Albany, Or. where they will spend the summer visiting relatives and friends.
Dr. H. W. Allen has erected a handsome tall flagstaff in front of his residence on Main Street and as soon as it can be procured a large flag will be hoisted thereon.
H. M. Hoover is building a new barn on his ranch north of this city. When done it will be a roomy structure.
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