DAYTON—The Columbia County Commissioners held a public hearing on the petition to form the Columbia County Pool District on Monday, July 3, 2023. Chuck Belany and Lisa Naylor, representing the Just Friends of the Pool, presented to the board asking it to approve the resolution to put the proposition on the November 2023 ballot.
The commissioners approved the resolution, starting levy, and boundaries as described in the petition.
The designated boundaries of the proposed benefit areas would consist of rural, unincorporated Columbia County and the City of Dayton. The City of Starbuck has opted not to be included at this time but could choose to be annexed later.
The proposition includes electing a board of five commissioners and approving a levy to cover initial capital and operating costs. The levy rate would be twenty cents per $1,000 of property value and could serve as matching grant funds.
Should the district not be approved by voters, the election of commissioners and levy would be null per RCW 36.69.070.
The county will open a three-day filing period for candidates running for specific commission positions. The commissioners will serve staggered four-year terms.
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