Ten Years Ago
July 4, 2013
There’s something new cooking at Ye Town Hall these days – Tamales! Anita Hernandez of Granny’s Hot Tamales is utilizing the commercial kitchen at Town Hall as home base for her new tamale business. No stranger to the food business, Anita, who is originally from the Grandview/Prosser area and her husband, a Walla Walla native, have spent the last several years in Corpus Christi, Texas. There they helped Anita’s mother, the “Granny” behind Granny’s Hot Tamales, manage several family restaurants. Family members started out with one tamale shop that quickly expanded to five. They also sold tamales in vans “all up and down the beach.” In addition, Hernandez operated her own restaurant, called Anita’s Mexican Restaurant. This in not the first time Hernandez has sold tamales in the Walla Walla area either, though it is the first time she’s used the secret “Granny’s” recipes.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 9, 1998
[Photo Caption] A good selection of gift items adorn Kountry Kreation Etc., a specialty shop recently opened in a former shop by Julie Smith, Tamra Janovich, and Bitsy Baxter.
Fifty Years Ago
July 5, 1973
We looked at a back issue of The Times for June 1972 and noted that the “third class burglary” of the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee caused us to wonder what the Demos were up to that piqued the curiosity of the Republicans. With that election pointing toward a landslide for incumbent President Richard M. Nixon, we couldn’t see why the winners were searching the strategy of the losers. That question has been asked many times during the past year as the issues surrounding the Watergate incident have grown to a size that now casts a shadow on the office of President. If the testimony of John Dean carries any aspect of the truth, we discover that those in leadership in our country became paranoid over the activities of demonstrators and activists. The list of enemies compiled by the White House caused Sen. Lowell Weicker to top off one session of testimony with a speech denouncing the attitude that caused those in command to describe fellow Americans, even those in Congress, as “enemies.” As we approach July 4, Independence Day, 1973, we reflect back nearly two centuries and admire the gumption of those early Americans who had taken enough manipulation from England, and wanted to be independent in thought, word, and deed.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
July 9, 1948
An extension of 400 feet on the east end of the Touchet Valley airport flying field has been completed making the field 2,650 long and about 800 feet wide.
Unpredictable weather conditions will dictate the length of the 1948 pea canning and freezing season which reached the peak at Pictsweet on the Fourth of July.
Miss Mary Dixon returned Tuesday from a vacation trip to Seattle, Portland, and Yakima visiting relatives and friends. She spent the fourth in the mountains out of Yakima.
One Hundred Years Ago
July 13, 1923
John Minnick, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Mary Hubbard, drove to Pomeroy Wednesday morning and out south of that city about four miles to the old farm home where the Minnick family first located when moving to Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramseur and daughter of Coppei Ridge picnicked with a party of young people at Lewis Peak on July Fourth. Most of the young people had horses and enjoyed riding to the peak. Others of the party were Charlotte and Hollis Hawks, Velma Walker and Frankie Kessler of Coppei Ridge; Dorothy Allen and Roscoe Jordan of Waitsburg.
Blaine Pasley had the misfortune to drop a heavy weight on his foot at the Scout Camp with the result to badly mash one toe.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 15, 1898
An agent of the State Agricultural Department is looking after the Russian thistle in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Ingalls returned today from an extended visit in the Middle States. They say that thousands of people there would start for this state immediately should their financial condition permit.
H. D. Dunlap returned this week from across the Snake River after an absence of two months.
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