Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

At the Liberty:"Asteroid City"

DAYTON—“Asteroid City” is a poetic meditation on the meaning of life. It tells the story of a fictional American desert town circa 1955 and its Junior Stargazer convention, which brings together students and parents from across the country for scholarly competition, rest/recreation, comedy, drama, romance, and more. It has a cast of very well-known stars including Tom Hanks, Scarlet Johansson, Bryan Cranston, Matt Dillon, Steve Carrell, and many others.

This movie has received some mixed ratings. The IMDb website rates this movie as 7.1 out of 10, and Rotten Tomatoes critics gave this a 73% favorable rating, but 62% of the audience on that website liked it. It is rated PG-13 for brief graphic nudity, some suggestive material, and smoking. The IMDb parent’s guide has identified this movie as moderate for sex and nudity (including brief full frontal female nudity), and mild for all other rated categories. It has a runtime of 105 minutes.

We will continue to run closed-captioning on Sundays and Tuesdays. Our free kids’ movies continue for several more weeks on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please see the Liberty Theater website for details and the schedule for upcoming movies. A special discounted price of $2 for a small drink and small popcorn is available.

The balcony remains closed because we are waiting for handrails to be constructed. We hope to reopen the balcony as soon as possible; probably in late July. Thank you for your patience.


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