To the editor,
A common behavior of physical or emotional abusers is they don’t take responsibility for their actions. They make comments like “He/she made me do it.” In their mind, it’s OK to attack because the victim did something they didn’t like. An abuser blames everyone else for their own misbehavior.
They have a choice to do something besides attacking another person. They chose to give into their own anger and ignore self-control.
At one library board meeting, when decisions were made that didn’t agree with, the dissolve the library sponsor stated that she must see a list of books being moved. She wants a new policy for collection development. The library must separate from the respected professional groups ALA and WLA. She requested the resignation of the board chairman because he attended a WLA meeting, along with our then-library director who gave a presentation. She asks for an overhaul of the library’s budget.
At another library board meeting, when decisions didn’t go according to her viewpoint, she said, “…there is a feeling of distrust. You leave me no choice but to file a petition.” It didn’t matter that some people in the room supported her decision and others strongly opposed it. She is choosing to dissolve our library for the entire community. No one “made her” do it. She chose to do it. Desiring a certain outcome doesn’t mean it’s true or right. Especially when you are hurting people by name calling and taking away some of their resources. Her full comments are on Facebook and in local papers.
The distrust she perceives is not the opinion of many people using the library. These are her opinions only.
It is not her right to demand others make a list of books she doesn’t approve of.
Why should the library break away from the ALA & WLA? It’s an honor to be asked to present a program there.
Her opinion on the budget is inaccurate, and is her viewpoint, not the viewpoint of others.
She indicated that presenting at the WLA reflected an unfavorable light on our community.
I have heard from many people, “What is happening with Dayton?” It is not because of a presentation, it’s because of their attack on our library.
Among all the comments on how the library should “do as she wants,” I have not heard any positive helpful suggestions.
The issue is not about removing or moving certain books. It’s about the feeling of power and attention they get by opposing our public library.
Her statements are DEMANDS that blame the library for what she sees as problems. While she takes no responsibility for the major damage to our community if the library is dissolved.
Carol Anderson
Dayton, Wash.
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