Proposed Public Pool Meeting Wednesday, October 25, 2023 Delany Building, Dayton 7-8 pm
DAYTON—A brief question and answer session will be held on Wednesday evening at the Delany Building to answer questions the public may have about Proposition #1 on the November 7 ballot.
Proposition #1 will establish and a Parks and Recreation District (for a swimming pool only) and reads as follows:
Columbia County and the City of Dayton propose creation of a parks and recreation district solely for the building and operating a swimming pool, with boundaries coterminous with Columbia County excluding property in Town of Starbuck and Prescott Joint Parks and Recreation District, with powers including, but not limited to, authority to levy general tax on property up to 20-cents per $1000.00 assessed value.
The Statement For:
A yes vote is needed to create Columbia County Pool District. This Pool District would be governed by five elected, at-large pool board commissioners and enables assessment of an annual levy at 20 cents per $1000.00 assessed value. Each year this levy will be presented to Columbia County voters. It provides sufficient funding for the operations and maintenance of a community swimming pool. Having a Pool District also opens the door to federal, state, legislative and grant funding that can offer alternative sources of long-term financial support for the facility.
Every child and adult should have the opportunity to learn basic water safety skills. Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death in children ages 1-14, and the number one cause in ages 10-24 years. Having a community pool provides the opportunity to teach water safety and lifesaving skills, recreational swim time, aquacise classes, ap swim and youth swim teams.
Swimming is an excellent low impact exercise, ideal for our seniors. Older adults have options for regular exercise and therapeutic water activities, and improve their physical wellbeing and quality of life.
A public pool would provide employment for qualified teens and adults and contribute to a healthier and more vibrant community for current and future generations.
Vote YES.
Create a Columbia County Pool District governed by five at-large elected board commissioners
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