WAITSBURG - It was a scary time in the Preston Hall gym on Monday, October 30 for those who dared to walk through the haunted house.
With the leadership of Waitsburg staff member, Dusty Wirtzberger, the gym was transformed into five rooms featuring scary clowns, a chainsaw madman, ghosts, goblins, and creatures with glowing green eyes.
Numerous adults and students hung black plastic from the balcony to create a maze for attendees to venture through. The decorations were scary, and there was a cry or two from young children during the non-scary hour between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. After 5:30, the lights were turned off, and goblins made a few older children run in fear. For a five-dollar donation, you could go through the haunted house as many times as desired.
Outside Preston Hall in the parking lot, students had the opportunity to "trunk or treat" and enjoy pizza offered at $2 a slice. Hopefully, the haunted house will be an annual event as it was well attended and spooky fun
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