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Waitsburg High School Fall Awards

WAITSBURG-Waitsburg High School held its fall sports awards in the auditorium on Thursday, November 30.  The annual awards assembly honors athletes who participated in cheerleading, volleyball, and football during the fall sports season.

Principal Joe Wirtzberger welcomed the athletes and guests before Coach Vickie Hamann announced her cheerleading awards. Coach Tracy Barron followed with volleyball, Coach Gabe Kiefel gave out football awards, and Wirtzberger closed the awards night with a thank you to parents and athletes.

Coach Hamann awarded Abbi Paolino, Chasity Paddock, Cedar Segall, Karissa Potts, Bea Karl, Matti Carter, and Hope Adkins with athletic letters and Scholar-Athlete Awards. 

Adkins received the Most Improved Award, Carter was voted MVP, and Stegall received the Most Inspirational plaque. Hamann thanked Hope's mom, Alicia Adkins, for the gifts she made for all the girls.

Harmann said, "All the girls liked spending time together, and it was a fun season."

Coach Barron presented athletic letters to all nine of her girls and Scholar-Athletes Awards (SA) to Makenzie Castillo, Kayla Mikesell (SA), Emma Hays (SA), Alyssa Hollingsworth (SA), Madison Kaehler, Peyton Struckmeier, Makenna Barron (SA), Kylee Henry (SA) and Alyssa Segraves (SA).

Barron commented that it was a fun season and laughed at how keeping the girls on task was a little tough. She said they bonded while learning how to play different positions.

Kaehler and Henry received Coaches Awards; the Most Improved Award went to Emma Hays, the Most Inspirational was to Peyton Struckmeier, and Makenna Barron was voted Most Valuable. Barron thanked the administration and bus drivers for all they did throughout the season.

Coach Kiefel thanked the school board, administration, coaching staff, players and families. He talked about his first year as a head coach, coaching 8-man football for the first time and the team's 5-5 record in a new league. 

He said, "You can't teach effort." Adding that his team gave effort every day.

Football certificates were given to Brayden Vasquez (SA), Landon Henry, Isaac Mahre (SA), and Joey Finch. Letter awards and Scholar Athletes Awards were given to JJ Gleason (SA), Isa Reyes (SA), Cyson Morris (SA), Koyen Fortune, Tucker Hamilton, Lucas VanHoose (SA), Kaden Cole (SA), Jackson Karl (SA), Blake French (SA), Cougar Anderson, Teegen Kenney (SA), Brenton Segraves (SA), Jarod Hankins, Jayce Gleason (SA), Victor Whitmore (SA) and Reuben Yutzy (SA).

Mahre was awarded Scout Player of the Year, and Yutzy received Special Teams Player and Lineman of the Year. Defensive Player of the Year was Jayce Gleason, and second-team All-League defensive lineman. Offensive Player of the Year went to VanHoose, and Morris earned second-team All-League running back and linebacker. Morris was voted Cardinal of the Year.


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