Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

December 26, 2013

One of Waitsburg's elementary school teachers got an extra special early Christmas gift this year. In a press release issued by President Barak Obama on December 20, Kindergarten teacher Pamela Nolan-Beasley was named as one of two teachers in Washington State to receive the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Beasley won the award for science while Nancy Pfaff of Redmond, Wash. won the math award. Winners of the honor receive a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation to be used at their discretion, and will visit Washington D.C. for an awards ceremony and several days of celebratory and educational events, including visits with administration members and possibly even the president. The recently named recipients are winners of the 2012 awards.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 31, 1998

Sharing the Christmas weekend with the Neil and Carl Henzes were David and Neta McKenzie from Colbert; John, Carrie and Amanda Higgins and Jason Delp from Medical Lake; Bill Callahan from Yakima; David, Lorna, and Meagan Zajac from Chehalis; and Dan, Diane, Sheena and Dane Henze from Aberdeen.

Guests of Tom and Anita Baker Christmas Eve, following Christmas Eve service, were Mike and Peggy and Anthony Henry, Richland; Kathy and Loyal Baker, Matthew and Morgan, Jim and Jan Winters and Tanya Ziks, all of Waitsburg.

Guests of Neil and Kathy Carpenter and family, December 20th thru 31st, were her parents Tom and Beverlie Kersey, Oceanside, California.

Fifty Years Ago

December 27, 1973

[Photo Caption] Mike DeCoria puts a check on Dayton's Mike Wilson in the first game of the Christmas tournament, as Pat Davis (51) waits for a rebound. The Cards topped the Bulldogs in an exciting game, 51-48.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 31, 1948

In order to give the customers better service, Bloor's Market is being remodeled and enlarged to provide a self-service type of food market in the community.

New homes in the community either new or remodeled include the Earl Freemans, Wm. Rose, J. H. Gill, Kenneth Gohlman, W. E. LaMay, Morris Ganguet, Fred Harris, Ernest Kisons, J. H. Cresswells, Maurice Witts, Gladys and Ruth Eaton, Gil Bergund, Tom Mart, Ivan White, Albert Hanson, Ernest McCaw and Ben Flathers in Prescott.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 4, 1924

For the third time this year and according to what old timers tell the highway department, the third time in the history of the white man, the Alpowa River went on a rampage Friday night and put the Lewiston-Pomeroy section of the state highway out of commission.

The Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. has been shut down at the Waitsburg flour mill all this week account the cold weather.

Mrs. Mary Denny of Walla Walla, who recently returned from a visit of several weeks to friends in Los Angeles was in town the last of the week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Sayers, and family.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 6, 1899

Miss Bertha Grubbe last week received from a friend in the volunteers at Manila, a large assortment of curios from that island.

The Preston-Parton Mill had to close down on account of ice Wednesday morning. The coldest night of this week when the temperature reached at least 10 degrees below zero.

A very pleasant party was given at the country home of G. W. Loundagin last Friday evening. Several sleigh loads attended from this city.


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