Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Support for DSD Levies, not deceptive posts

To the Editor

I am writing to clarify my questioning of the statements made in a social media post regarding the levy’s funding of FFA. While FFA does receive some support from the levy, it is minimal compared to the funding received from grants and FFA itself. They used the greenhouse as an example when in reality I’m told the greenhouse was built with grant money. Correct me if I’m wrong.

I viewed this example of programs that would be cut as not entirely accurate since the overwhelming majority of FFA funding is not from the levy; however, failure to pass the levy would jeopardize that program along with other extracurricular activities. I viewed using FFA as a means to elicit an emotional response since agriculture and ranching is a big part of this community. It would be similar to threatening to cancel hockey if a levy didn’t pass in Minnesota. Those would be fighting words.

For the record, I support the levies. The Capital Levy will be a hard pill to swallow, but our facilities need major work. We can’t keep putting Band-Aids on a hemorrhaging wound. The kids in Dayton deserve facilities that are safe, technologically current and provide an environment that is conducive to learning. This community won’t grow if the school district can’t attract new students due to poor facilities. Walla Walla isn’t that far away. Failure of the levy would be short-sighted. As the school district goes, the community goes.

Dale Walling

Dayton, Wash.


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