DAYTON—The Dayton School Board met on Zoom at 6:35 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. School Board members participating were Chair Jeffrey McCowen, Zac Fabian, Ryan Paulson, and Aneesha Dieu. Grant Griffin and Superintendent Rich Stewart were not present.
McCowen announced an agenda change to make the approval for an FFA overnight trip an action item on the agenda.
The consent agenda, after modification, included the approval of a donation of $2,000 from Kim Carter for the Yamate Student Exchange Program and approval to hire McCowen as the HS Head Baseball Coach. McCowen recused himself from voting on the coach selection. The board passed all items on the consent agenda.
There was no public comment.
Student representative reports were deferred until the next meeting due to the weather.
The athletic director submitted an electronic report, which said the HS boys’ and girls’ basketball schedules are continuing. The boys won two games, and the girls won one. HS Wrestling is also underway with only two wrestlers.
Middle school girls basketball has 12 players; their first game was on January 22, 2023. There are five wrestlers on the MS team; their first match was on January 23.
Elementary School Principal Amy Cox highlighted activities leading up to winter break. A Grandparents and Special Friends event was scheduled for January 19, 2024, but was canceled after the school’s boilers failed. The informal open house showcasing daily activities at school may be rescheduled.
The Elementary School contracted with the Slingerland Literacy Institute to provide handwriting training for some teachers. Teachers requested help after noticing a decline in physical handwriting abilities.
Reporting for Stewert, Jana Eaton said the superintendent search has closed, and nine applicants are being vetted.
The board decided to defer approval of the first and second reading of policies until an in-person meeting with the Superintendent is held.
The board members tabled the vote on the FFA overnight trip to Wenatchee for the State convention because no one was present at the meeting to respond to questions. Specifically, the board had concerns over the FFA students’ plan to stay at an AirBnB during the mid-April trip.
The meeting adjourned the next is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
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