Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten years Ago

January 23, 2014

Local dancer Morgan Breland and her mother, Cara Watts, celebrated New Years Day in London this year. Breland – a 15-year-old-sophomore at Walla Wall High School – auditioned at a Universal Dance Association camp last August to perform in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Instead, she was invited to travel to London to perform in front of more that 200 million television viewers and a half million people lining the streets in London's New Year's Day Parade.Watts and Breland traveled to Seattle on December 26, where they joined the rest of the Universal Dance Association performers. Breland was the youngest performer of approximately 115 dancers and 1,300 cheerleaders.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 28, 1999

[Photo caption]Justina Ryckman leaps high as she takes a solo lay-up to the bucket with Prescott Tiger Rosalea Froelich in pursuit, following a Beth Abbey steal and fast break. Ryckman scored eight in Waitsburg's 70-20 win over the Tigers Saturday.

Fifty Years Ago

January 24, 1974

Mrs. Linda Chromy, is the new preschool teacher. She is 22 years old and is married to Don Chromy the Waitsburg band music director. She was born in Seattle, went to college at Western Washington State College in Bellingham. She says that Waitsburg is small but she likes it. This is her first year in teaching and she is now preparing for the classes which began on January 23. The first day of kindergarten opened Wednesday morning with 22 bright-eyed 5-year olds on hand.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January 28, 1949

Vicki Gohlman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gohlman, celebrated her 2nd birthday at a party last Friday, January 21. Guest included Susan Hawks, Jacqueline Ganguet, Linda Shumway of Milton, Bobby Butler, Jimmey Tuttle, Pete Ramsey and Greg Bichsel.

Members of the Ladies Bible Class of the Christian Church were honored for their loyalty to church and Sunday School. Mrs. Lyda Conover has been a member for 72 years: Mrs. Lee McKinney and Mrs. Frank Vining, 50 years; and Mrs. Minnie Kinder for 46 years.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 1, 1924

John Danielson has replaced his Cadillac touring car with a 1924 model Buick sedan.

Mrs. D. P. Bailey was hostess to the ladies of the Willing Workers Society Wednesday afternoon at her home on Preston Avenue. This meeting which proved to be a real party was devoted to a social and literary program with Mrs. Emerson Wood and Mrs. Orville Fullerton in charge. Vocal solos were given by Mrs. D. S. Kerr and Miss Isla Hales. Mrs. Fullerton played a solo on the violin. Piano solos by Naomi Pollard and Mrs. Chester Buroker and a reading by Mrs. C. Thalman. Following the program, the hostess served and elaborate lunch assisted by Mesdames C. Thalman, Ira Bloor, Orland Phipps and Bloyd. There were 45 guests in attendance.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 3, 1899

The Walla Walla Produce Co. shipped by express Saturday several cases of spinach and green onions. This is the earliest shipment made of the kind on record for the Walla Walla valley.

Elworth Thorp son of Mrs. J. W. Thorp while playing in the school yard at Huntsville last Friday, fell in such a way as to break both bones of his left forearm.

Eugene Taurick, proprietor of the Walla Walla Steam Laundry was in the city Sunday.

The Waitsburg Band gave an open air concert on Main Street last Saturday afternoon which attracted a large crowd of listeners.


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