Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


10 Years Ago

February 27, 2014

[Photo Caption] Members of the Prescott Knowledge Bowl try to reach a consensus. Front row: Andre Potts, Erik Sandoval, Oscar Garcia, Tyler Fedderson Back row: Alberto Sandoval, Emily Wilson

25 Years Ago

February 25, 1999

Waitsburg's Anne Bickelhaupt exploded with 3 points, 11 blocked shots and 11 rebounds to vault the defending district champion Waitsburg Cardinals past St. John-Endicott 63-36 in the second round of the District 9 tournament here Tuesday night. The Cardinals advance to the championship game for the second year in a row where they'll face Tekoa-Oakesale at 6:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 26. Last year Waitsburg flew through District then went 3-1 at the State B tournament for fifth place. "The girls did a good job feeding the ball to her (Bickelhaupt)" said an elated Coach Jerry Baker. "They were giving it to us so we took it." "I'm more tickled with our defense," he added, "holding another Whitman County team into the 30s... you've done something."

50 years Ago

February 28, 1974

Jenny McKinney, daughter of Mrs. Patty McKinney, Waitsburg, was chosen for the 1974 Homecoming Royalty at Walla Walla Community College. Jenny and Janice Yelliott were presented six white roses at half-time activities during last Saturday's game against Spokane. Princesses were Mary Freeburg, Brenda Westerskow and Colleen Kelly. Jenny has also been appointed to serve as the vice-president of the WWCC Associatied Students. Bob Campbell, elected president in the spring of 1973, vacated his position because of personal reasons. Betty Bendixon was named ASB President by the Student Senate, and Jenny was selected to fill the veep spot previously held by Betty.

75 Years Ago

March 4, 1949

John Hulce, former owner of the Plaza Theater, has purchased the Price Tate property which includes 8 lots on Coppei Avenue where he plans to build a duplex and a residence.

Miss Myra Wardrip was honored at a pre-nuptial shower last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Percy Gentry who was assisted by Mrs. T. M. Nifong, Mrs. Bob DuPree and Mrs. Orlie Katsel. She will become the bride of Ben Bloor on March 9.

Miss Betty Baim is being honored at a pre-nuptial shower Friday evening at the home of Miss Molley Kellogg. Miss Baim will become the bride of Cecil Webber on March 20.

100 Years ago

March 7, 1924

The Exchange Bank of Waitsburg failed to open its doors for business Friday morning, a notice on the door reading "This bank is closed by order of the Board of Directors and is in the hands of State Bank Examiner."

Harvey Stonecipher Jr. and Carlisle Bare, members of the local Boy Scout troop, appeared before the Court of Honor Friday evening and successfully passed the requirement for First Class Scout.

Mrs. Walter Price has taken over the dressmaking parlors in the Waitsburg Mercantile store, formerly occupied by Mrs. Adams.

125 Years ago

March 10, 1899

Miss Lizzie Wills returned to Pampa, Wash. on Saturday. She closed a five month school there two weeks ago but will conduct another term of three months there commencing Monday, March 6th.

David Miller's best milk cow was stolen from his corral near the house, one night a short time ago. It was a belled cow and the farmers lining on the road between there and Walla Wala heard the bell pass in the night. This and cow tracks leading to the city were the traces found. The rest may be read between the lines.


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