Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


10 Years Ago

March 20, 2014

Barnstormers jam with the best at Wintergrass Music Festival. Waitsburg's Barnstormers – Chris and Emma Philbrook, Robert Walsh, and Sam McGowen – joined over 30 bands and 200 musicians at Wintergrass – the "biggest and best" bluegrass festival in the country earlier this month. The Hyatt Regency Bellevue was home base for the four-day festival that draws Grammy and award-winning artists as well as emerging artists and fans. Headliners included Tim O'Brien and Darrel Scott, the Cleverlys, Matuto, and many more. "It's an amazing learning experience. It's the largest bluegrass festival in the U.S. – possibly in the world, "said Barnstormers Director Kate Hockersmith. Hockersmith said that there are four or five stages, all performing at the same time. The concerts end at midnight, but jamming often continues all night long. "You choose a jamming or non-jamming floor when you reserve your room. I often heard kickin' bluegrass outside my door at 4:30 a.m. It was crazy."

25 Years Ago

March 18, 1999

[Photo caption] Playing donkey basketball is hard work and requires frequently provided nourishment, found out Jerry Baker, Waitsburg girls basketball coach. Baker got help from friend Ron Harting, who made sure the puckish Baker didn't grow faint from malnutrition. A last-second bucket by T.J. Scott lifted the W.H.S. senior to a tie with a school staff team in this ASB fundraiser last Friday.

50 Years Ago

March 21, 1974

Mrs. Frank Danielson was hostess for the Progressive Club on March 12, 1974. Mrs. Hover Brown announced the judging of the Sewing Contest would be at Mrs. Clarence Cole's in Pomeroy, April 4, 1974, at 10:30 o'clock. This will be the Southeastern District judging. The "Citation of Achievement" certificate was read by Mrs. Frank Daniewson. This is sent by Sears, Roebuck and Company for having our C.I.P. two-year report in on time of the local help given our local projects. Mrs. Walter Atkins chose "Art" as the topic for her program. Art applies not only to painting but to anything that requires skill in performance, such as ceramics, sewing, music, sculpturing, pottery, etc. She displayed photographs of many painters and their pictures, ceramic ware, and very lovely needlecraft of many years ago. Ten dollars more was donated to the Weller Library. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Frank Danielson.

75 Years Ago

March 25, 1949

On Monday, March 28, the First National Bank of Waitsburg will celebrate its sixtieth anniversary, having been established in 1889, the same year that the State of Washington was admitted to the Union.

Zelia Witt Alyward wrote the music and Ruth Coffee Hillis wrote the words to a new song entitled "She's My Waitsburg Girl."

100 Years Ago

March 28, 1924

The Waitsburg Girl Reserves held a meeting on March 20. New officers elected were Margaret Cutting, president; Rita Ogden, secretary; Dorothea Kanz, treasurer; Velma Starr, reporter.

Mrs. Cora Laidlaw has gone to Los Angeles and other California points where she will visit relatives and friends for a few weeks.

Roland Allen, against a field of some thirty contestants won the billiard tournament recently conducted by the Commercial Club and will shortly be presented with the prize – a high grade billiard cue, provided by W. B. Shaffer.

125 Years Ago

March 31, 1899

Elmer Mullinix and Artie Woodworth left on Wednesday morning for Cottonwood, Idaho where Elmer will spend the summer. Artie expects to return in a few weeks.

Henry Ingalls and John Kinder each purchased new hacks from Harry DeMuth of the John Smith implement house, last Saturday.

The front of the Sideboard Saloon was given a brilliant coat of paint this week which adds much to the appearance of the building.


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