Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


10 Years Ago

March 27, 2014

[PhotoCaption] Three local fish experts worked earlier this week to adjust the inlet pipe in the Toucht River adjacent to the fish pond in Dayton City Park. L to r: Dave Karl of the Washington State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Steve Martin and John Foltz of the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board.

25 Years Ago

March 25, 1999

55+ Members have their second potluck luncheon on March 26 at Ye Towne Hall. Hostesses for the day are Edith Mays, Jo Polumsky and Ruby Cole. Members are reminded of the $5 donation to the club treasury in lieu of the bake sale traditionally held on Good Friday.

Remember the band festival at the school throughout the day of March 25.

DeNova Club met March 18 at the home of Delores Gohlman. Evelyn Smith was co-hostess. There were 13 members present. Roberta Broom Adams won the door prize. Delores asked everyone to wear a hat. Many different hats were worn. Dorothy Harris was voted to have the prettiest. A beautiful pink spring hat that matched her blouse. Delores told about her collection of 42 hats. The next meeting will be a luncheon at The Homestead restaurant in Walla Walla on April 1 at 12:30.

50 Years Ago

March 28 , 1974

Amity Art Club met March 19th in the evening at the home of Lucille Bloor. During the program hour Kay Walker read an art topic about Thomas Hart Benton who had painted the mural for the Truman Library in 1961. Recently, at the age of eighty-four, he came out of retirement to paint a mural "Joplin (Missouri) at the Turn of the Century" for the municipal building in that city. It was unveiled at their centennial celebration. Before leaving the seventeenth century in the history of art in America we extend an apology to those early settlers for the typographical error that put "graffiti" on their pottery. They did use sgaffito – a decoration produced by scratching through a glazed surface to reveal a different color beneath.

75 Years Ago

April 1, 1949

"Two Heads are Better Than One" is the title of the most recent hunting story written by Frank L. Vennum and published in the April issue of "Outdoor Life."

Jack Henry Roberts, 17-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roberts received the Eagle award, highest rank in Scouting at the court of Honor held Tuesday evening.

100 Years Ago

April 4, 1924

Kellogg's Garage changed hands the first of the month, Roy Kellogg selling to Jack Warner and Frank A. Jonas.

John Kanz, concrete contractor, has been doing a lot of work at the H.D. Conover residence. H.D. is enlarging his basement and has other improvements in contemplation.

125 Years Ago

April 7,1899

Mr. Clodius has begun on his 500 acres of summerfallow this week, with a force of three gangs. Mr. Hungate has seven gangs running.

John Sampson's team which was hitched to a wagon, made things lively for a short time Monday afternoon by spinning up Main Street. No serious damage was done.

Mrs. H. J. Abbey entertained in honor of Mrs. J. H. Hudgin of Spokane who has been visiting in this city for the past two weeks. On Thursday afternoon the large Abbey residence was well-filled with guests. In response to a previous invitation from Mrs. Abbey, the band turned out and rendered a few selections.


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