WAITSBURG - Its almost the end of the school year and Waitsburg is preparing to celebrate the school district's graduates. "The Times" will share the senior's stories, a few each issue, until Graduation Day on June 7, 2024.
Jayce Gleason
Attending Waitsburg Schools since pre-school, Jayce Gleason has fond memories of playing sports. At the high school level, Gleason has excelled at football and baseball.
Gleason attends high school full-time. This year, he was elected ASB treasurer and assists with planning activities for all the high school students.
Following graduation, Gleason plans on being an electrical lineman.
Julio Mercado
Julio Mercado is a full-time student and has attended Waitsburg schools since kindergarten. He is not involved in any organized sports or activities at school but enjoys bowling, hiking, kayaking, and other outdoor activities with his family.
Mercado makes walking sticks which he plans to sell this summer. He also plans to make some things for Halloween.
College is not in his plans currently. After graduation, Mercado would like to take time to do cross-country tours on a bike. Before taking the bike tours, he would like to work at a bookstore.
Paige Evans
Paige Evans came to the Waitsburg School District for sixth grade and is attending Waitsburg High School full-time in her senior year. During her junior year, she spent afternoons at the SEATech Skills Center in Walla Walla, where she began courses to become a CNA (certified nursing assistant).
After graduation, Evans plans to finish her training to work as a full-time CNA and move to a place of her own.
Homecoming night and planning for graduation are Evan's favorite school memories.
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