Quinn Benavides
Quinn Benavides plans to go to lineman school after graduation.
As a WHS student since his sophomore year, Benavides attends WHS full-time. He is in FFA and played baseball.
His favorite memory is beating Burbank in baseball.
Wyaiit Booth
Wyaiit Booth enrolled at Waitsburg Schools for his senior year, splitting his school day between WHS and SEATech. At SEATech, he was in the Advanced Manufacturing and Welding program.
Booth played basketball, and his favorite memory is of basketball camps with Coach Roy and the boys.
Booth plans to go to work for the family business after graduation.
Jasper Morrow
Jasper Morrow is the National Honor Society Vice-President and played baseball during high school.
His favorite memory is finally winning some baseball games.
Morrow has attended Waitsburg Schools since Kindergarten and is attending WWCC's Running Start program part-time this year.
Morrow plans to attend WSU and major in elementary education.
Reuben Yutzy
Reuben Yutzy has been a Cardinal since his junior year. As a Cardinal, Yutzy has excelled in football, basketball, and track and field.
Yutzy plays trumpet in the band and attends SEATech during his senior year.
His favorite memory is going to State in basketball and track and field.
Yutzy's plan after high school is to become a plumber.
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