Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


10 Years Ago

May 29, 2014

Waitsburg Elementary School students will soon spend their recesses "Walking for Water". This will be the second year that elementary students have participated in the program that raises funds to provide safe drinking water for the needy. Last year, students walked three days a week and raised $555, which funded a rainwater catchment and storage system for a school of 398 students in Kenya. This year, students hope to raise enough funds to purchase a Sawyer filter for a community in Guatemala.

25 Years Ago

May 27, 1999

[Photo Caption] Top finishers in the DRS Fun Run were (arranged vertically by class, first place in back) from left: Men's 10 K-1st: Thomas butler, 2nd - Andreas Schaal, 3rd – Alen Simpson. Women's 10 K – 1st: Kirsten (Kirkpatrick) Spencer, 2nd – Maria Garcia. Women's 5 K – 1st: Lauren Smith, 2nd – Krista Williams, 3rd – Amanda Crawford. Men's 5 K – 1st: Scott Baslee, 2nd – John Haney, 3rd – Dan Elson.

50 Years Ago

May 30, 1974

Twenty-eight Waitsburg young people with the help of Mrs. Art Newbury, baked pastries and sold them to raise money for a trip to EXPO 74 in Spokane. A bus for the trip was graciously donated by Ralph Miller, and along with nine adults the group toured the site on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27. Making the trip were Jim Williams, Bob Western, Donna Tappen, Connie Smith, Carl Smith, Jr., Pat Sharpe, Clarece Pierson, Sandy Olson, Curtis Neal, Mary Moxley, Kelly Mohney, Roger Miller, Nancy Lucas, Cathy Lemler, Dick Largent, Chrissy Hulce, Gary Griffin, Dirk Griffen, Karlene Elmendorf, Shane Donnelly, Mike DeCoria, Pat Davis, Sherry Coufal, Sandy Brown, Roger Brown and Peggy Baker.

75 Years Ago

June 3, 1949

Twelve Camp Fire girls are registered for the summer camp at Clear Lake on Rim Rock. These girls include Jean Gibson, Cherie Ann Gohlman, Kay Hawks, Barbara Hughes, Wilma Johnson, Lynne Jones, Deana Land, Margaret McBride, Sereta Patton, Julia Wright, Judy Donley and Frances Donley.

Robert Settle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Settle received his B.A. degree in speech from Washington State College.

The Minnesota Valley Canning Co. of LeSueur, Minn. Has announced that negotiations have been completed with Pictsweet Foods acquiring plants located at Waitsburg, Ellensburg and Buhl.

100 Years Ago

June 6, 1924

Harold Stewart better known as "Bud" is home after spending several months in California.

Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hubbard of Sequim, Wa. are spending a week at the home of Mr. Hubbard's mother on West 5th Street. Mr. Hubbard will return home by the way of Olympia where he will attend a meeting of the state Banker's Ass'n of which he is a member of the executive board.

Mrs. Dave Rees and daughter Miss Florence have established a summer camp on the South Touchet near Thayers Mill. Miss Florence has been teaching in Pullman.

125 Years Ago

June 2, 1898

Joel Woods reports that his large crop of wheat is looking excellent with the exception of a couple of hundred acres which are pretty weedy.

About 25 Rebekahs after lodge on last Friday night gave Mrs. P. J. Denny a surprise in the way of a sheet and pillow case party. Everybody had a very pleasant time until a late hour.

Lost – a horse's tail holder was lost one day last week, for fear you would not know it if you see it we would say that it is a steel band with one hinge and with two rows of teeth part of the way around on the inside of the band. Finder will please leave at this office or hand to Mace McCoy.


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