Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Dayton School Board tackle 2024-2025 budget

DAYTON – The Dayton School Board met for its monthly work session at 6:31 p.m. on June 5, 2024, in the high school library. School board members present were Chair Jeffrey McCowen, Zac Fabian, Ryan Paulson, Grant Griffin, and Superintendent Rich Stewart. Aneesha Dieu attended using Zoom.

The board approved the consent agenda, which included approval of two overnight trips and approval of the 2024-2025 contract with Amy Cox for K-12 Principal. One trip is for students to attend the FFA National Convention on October 23 through 26 in Indianapolis, Ind., the second is a GEAR UP Summit on July 16-18 at WSU.

The district’s business manager, Jana Eaton, gave a presentation on the 2024-2025 school year budget and four-year enrollment projection for adoption by the board at the June 19, 2024, meeting. Eaton described the district’s funds, which act as individual accounts that are managed separately. The funds are:

• General Fund–Accounts for all financial resources of the school district except for those accounted for in a separate fund.

• Capital Projects Fund–Used to acquire or construct major capital facilities, technology upgrades, or small capital upgrades.

• Associated Student Body Fund–Revenues and expenditures specifically related to and approved by the student body.

• Transportation Fund–Used for purchase of student transportation buses.

• Debt Service Funds–Used to manage bond-related obligations.

Eaton said the district’s budgeted enrollment, including Running Start, Dropout/Open Doors, and ALE students is 330.76. The enrollment numbers impact the General Fund budget.

Revenues for the General Fund Revenue are budgeted for $8,067,814 from property tax, federal and state funds, special education, local grants, and the majority from OSPI allocated state funds.

Identified expenditures for the General Fund are $8,128,267 and is allocated as follows:

• Programs – $2,134,281

• Salaries – $4,162,380

• Benefits – $1,833,123

The Student Body Fund has budgeted revenue of $211,450, and planned expenditures of $196,005.

Capital Projects has projected revenue of $2,775,971 and expenditures of $2,850,000. Projects identified include an air filtration system, refreshing the exterior, and updating the secondary school's auditorium.

Elementary school projects include carpet, library furniture, a security gate, and an update to the lift. Projects in general include fencing, new technology, underground sprinklers, and vocational-AG doors.

The Transportation Fund balance is $89,225 before a depreciation payment of $83,047 in August. The district is in the process of ordering a 40-passenger bus, and possibly an additional bus in the 2025-2026 school year.

Stewart gave an overview of projects planned for the next four years with capital levy funds. These include some classroom remodels, improvements to the auditorium, repairing the gym floor, fencing, technology, and repairing the ventilation system at the high school. The scope and precise cost of these projects are undetermined at this point.

The district plans to move forward with the fencing, some of the concrete work, and possibly the underground sprinklers this summer. Pruitt Flooring walked through the gym and gave ideas for repairs that could extend the life of the current floor a few more years.

The board discussed the need to add more door security, cameras, and security at the athletic complex.

Board member Griffen asked for a prioritized list, project proposals, and quotes before projects begin. He said he would like to see updates on the projects at each of the work sessions. Griffen said he wanted to make sure there were not too many projects at the same time which could lead to running out of funds if there are overages in one of the project areas.

Head Custodian John Delp said he is working on getting at least three quotes for each of the proposed projects. Robust discussion ensued on projects and how they will be carried out, the bidding process, and making sure the board is well informed on what the district is doing with the levy funds. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. and the next school board meeting is scheduled for June 19, 2024.


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