Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

June 26, 2014

Jim German says that he expected his bar to always be a small sidelight to the nightlife in Waitsburg. "I thought there'd always be other bars and taverns here, and that we'd be just a small part of that," German said recently. "I never thought we'd be the only bar left standing." ON a recent Friday night in June, jimgermanbar was standing tall. A waitress and bartender were taking drink orders, and a wood-fired grill was blazing on the back patio. While a reporter sampled a new variety of IPA, German described the road to building a successful bar in Waitsburg. After a successful career as a bartender at several of Seattle's best eating establishments, German and his wife, Claire Johnston were exploring Walla Walla and Waitsburg, and discovered two storefront buildings here that were for sale. They were taken with the town and the buildings and decided to make them their own. That was in 2004. In 2007, jimgermanbar opened, along with Johnston's art gallery, AMO Art, next door.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 17, 1999

[Photo Caption] School staff honored Pat Largent with a retirement breakfast last week. Largent closed out 24 years of service in the school district's kitchen at the end of this school year. Bruton Dickerson and Laura Young are pictured with Largent, center.

Fifty Years Ago

June 27, 1974

Bareback riding, wild cow riding, goat tying, steer undecorating, barrel racing and calf roping, all done by girls, will be featured at the 1974 Milton-Freewater Pioneer Posse All Girl Rodeo, set for Sunday, June 30, at the club grounds north of town. Playing an integral part in the activities will be 14-year-old Elizabeth Wood of Waitsburg, daughter of the John Woods, who is a member of the All Girl Rodeo court for 1974. Other court members are Jan Dickerson, Jerlann Brock, Tonie Smith, and Mary Jo Johnson, and one will be named Queen of the week. Selection of the 1974 court was on horsemanship, and in this department Miss Wood really shines. She and her bay gelding, Jeraboa, have won many ribbons and awards in showmanship, western and English pleasure and equitation, and in jumping. She is a member of the Waitsburg 4-H Livestock Club as well as Cavalletti Club, and carries projects in horse, leathercraft, registered beef, steer, and 4-H leadership.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 1, 1949

Pea canning in Waitsburg ended abruptly last Sunday morning when the local plant of Blue Mountain Canneries shut down after 18 days of operation. It was the smallest pack and the shortest run in the history of the local plant.

Janet Collins and Margaret Reed are serving as Camp Counselors at the Clearlake Camp Fire Camp above Yakima.

A barn belonging to Mrs. Sam Wills on Preston Ave. was destroyed by fire last Thursday evening.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 4, 1924

Julius Grumppenberg who has been employed in a tailor shop in Spokane for some time, arrived home Tuesday to visit awhile with his wife and Waitsburg friends, after an absence of two years.

Frank Bigler has resigned his position as patrolman at Walla Walla and will assume the position of County Game Warden which has been held for some time by A. Van Ausdale.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 30, 1899

S. M. Kees, a farmer who lives near Walla Walla, found a nest of skunks in his barn the other day. He killed 23 and many escaped. It is said that Mr. Kees has moved his family to Walla Walla until the incident blows over.

The United Presbyterian Church of this city has decided to give a picnic among themselves at Shilole Camp Ground on Tuesday, July 4th. They anticipate a very pleasant time with games and social amusements.

Richard H. Ormsbee returned from a business trip to Walla Walla on Monday. He reports that town is very quiet on account of the smallpox scare.


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