Ten Years Ago
July 10, 2014
[Photo Caption] Photographer Nick Page went to Lyons Ferry Marina for the Fourth of July holiday and stuck around long enough to catch the fireworks show at dusk. Here spectators watch a shot above the Snake River.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 1, 1999
Over 470 Barrel Racers strapped on their spurs and kicked up some dust at the 21st Annual VGBRA Barrel Daze held April 9-11, 1999 at the Walla Walla Fairgrounds. Guys and gals from across Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and as far away as South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming participated in the event. Lisa Scheffer of Hamilton, Montana rode "Twelve AM Junior" to win the Futurity Saddle. Kelli Currin and "Bank on Biankus" of Heppner, Ore. went home with the Futurity Reserve Championship. The Derby winner of the weekend was Vickie Solmonson riding "Gems for Royalty."
Fifty Years Ago
July 11, 1974
Central Ferry Park will be turned over to the State of Washington Parks and Recreation Commission by the Corps of Engineers Sunday, July 14, 1974, at 2:30 p.m. Walla Walla District Engineer Colonel Nelson P. Conover will sign the lease and hand it over to Commission Chairman James G. McCurdy, Seattle, at the dedication. As Part of the observance, the public is invited to tour and inspect the new facility. Central Ferry Park is being constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of the recreation program on Lake Bryan. Lake Bryan was formed when Little Goose Lock and Dam was built.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
July 15, 1949
Lyman Poirier, Waitsburg High School Freshman, has been chosen by the FFA advisory board to receive the purebred Hereford cow this week to start off the rotating beef project sponsored by the Sears foundation.
Judy Wright entertained at a slumber party and breakfast at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Will Harris. Guests were Patty and Sandra Pambrum, Cherie Gohlman, Besty Reed and Nancy White.
One Hundred Years Ago
July 18, 1924
Thieves stripped about everything loose on M. Zuger's combine harvester sometime Wednesday night. The machine quit work fairly close to the lower Walla Walla road at the base of the Zuger hill and presumably the thieving was done by persons in a passing auto. The wrenches, oil cans, bolt cutters, etc – everything about that was loose was taken.
Dorrel Jones was hurt Saturday when the horse he was riding fell with him out near the race track and bruising his side and leg. He was not seriously injured, however.
John Pettichord who is employed at the Pasco Stock yards is home for a few days rest.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 14, 1899
Miss Myrtie Duncan left on the noon train Tuesday for Starkbuck where she will visit her sister Mrs. McCoy. Miss Mytrie expects to be gone about two weeks.
The Ice Cream social and literary exercises given by the C.W.B.M. and Junior Endeavor Society, of the Christian Church was well attended. The exercises rendered by the Juniors were good. The door receipts amounted to $17.00.
The Dime society of the First Presbyterian Church will hold their monthly social at the home of Mrs. J. L. Dumas on July 20. The residence of J. L. dumas will be found a short distance above Shiloh.
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