Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

July 17, 2014

"I'm so great at swim lessons!" announced Alyssa Array as she exited the dressing room following her Level 3 swim class at the Waitsburg City Pool on Tuesday morning. That statement – along with the fact that 60 children participated in lessons this year – is a testament to the success of Waitsburg's swim program. This year Waitsburg offered one two-week session of swim lessons, from beginners at Level 1, to the more advanced Level 4 swimmers. Lessons are taught by guards Zac Brown, Paige Wood and Devin Newman.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 8, 1999

Ten cyclists – all with some connection to leukemia save having the disease – passed through Waitsburg Saturday on a two-month trek across America to raise money and awareness for leukemia research. The group of university undergraduates and graduate students are promoting awareness and have counted over $10,000 in pledges toward their $250,000 goal. Called Pedaling for Progress, the group will donate proceeds to the Leukemia Society of America for the research of cures.

Fifty Years Ago

July 18, 1974

Times Advertisement Archive

Newspaper people operate under deadline pressure and often are able to shorten up the length of time it takes to do a job. That's why we were able to take our two-week vacation starting Thursday noon and ending Monday afternoon.Don't laugh. You may have noticed it is only four days. The one thing that hasn't changed is the expenditure of funds. You can spend the normal two-week's vacation cash in four days now or less. After some 20 or so years, this is the first summer trip in memory that we have taken without one, two, or three kids to account for.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 22, 1949

"Bud" Simonis, Waitsburg jockey, is the leading rider at Longacres track in Seattle. To date, he has 17 first, 12 seconds and 7 thirds.

Frederick C. Wilson, assistant bursar at Whitman College since 1943, has been elected bursar-comptroller of the College, President Chester Maxey announced.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Singer have sold their home on Coppei Avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher and are moving to Walla Walla.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 25, 1924

It was learned today that one lot of turkey red wheat grown on Eureka Flats had been sold by William Struthers to the Jones-Scott Co. for $1.25 net F.O.B., a record price for the season.

The combine owned and run by Ray Small who farms the Weller ranch north of town turned clear over and righted itself again while being run Wednesday morning.

Master Paul Bailey is spending the week at the Harve Davis ranch and Miss Marion Bailey is visiting at the farm home of H. E. Fry, both near Dayton.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 21, 1899

Will Shaffer moved his family to Thayer's Mill Saturday, where they will spend the summer. There are now six families camped there.

J. M. Chew went to Prescott Sunday by wheel. If you want to know just how hot it was on the road between this city and Prescott Mr. Chew probably can give you the desired information.

While hauling hay for A. L. Storie Thursday afternoon load turned over with Orlan Phipps and Archie Martin with results to badly bruise the boys up and causing them to lay off a couple of days. Orlan received a badly sprained ankle and Archie had one of his hips injured.


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