Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

July 24, 2014

At 8:55 last Tuesday morning, the mercury was already pushing 80. Twenty local students clustered in the cool shade of Waitsburg's First Christian Church, happily chattering as they waited to be signed in to the Waitsburg Resource Center's "Knock Out Boredom" program. According to Pam Conover, the program's director, that's a small crowd. " We've been having 40 kids come in," she said. Emily Wilson, a recent Prescott High School graduate, comes in on the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays the program runs to help supervise the youngsters, who range from pre-Kindergarten age to teenagers.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 15, 1999

[Photo Caption] Jan Cronkhite and her grandson Nathan Hamann join in their second WWCC summer musical, Camelot. Hamann plays the small but crucial role of Tom of Warwick, and Cronkhite is a member of the chorus.

Fifty Years Ago

July 25, 1974

Green Giant pea pack nears completion; beans set to start next week. Green Giant Company is working on the final 2,000 acres of peas, and should be finished by the first of next week according to Bob Jameson, plant superintendent. Any additional peas not coming into Waitsburg will be finished by the Dayton plant. A trial run on snap beans from the Plymouth area was made earlier, and beans from Columbia Basin near Connell should be coming in during the first part of next week. Later season beans come to Waitsburg from the Post Falls, Idaho area.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

August 5, 1949

Wm. Vogt has contracted to build a $9,000 home for Paul Webb on East Seventh. Mr. Webb is the new principal and science teacher at the high school.

Jean Gibson and Jacqueline Archer are spending three weeks at Camp Sweyolakan near Spokane.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ganguet on Thursday, July 28 at the Walla Walla General Hospital. She has been named Jeannie Adelle.

Forrest Mock of Bakersfield, Ca. is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mock.

One Hundred Years Ago

August 8, 1924

W. S. Guntle, grain buyer, sounds familiar to the people of this community, as for 27 years he was connected with the old Pacific Coast Elevator Co. Mr. Guntle this week opened a grain buying office in the Weller Building one door south of the D-S Hardware Co.

Walter Buroker is ill with typhoid fever at the home of Mrs. Moxley, Second Street.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 4, 1899

Economy is a good thing, but to set a hen on one egg is practicing the matter a little too closely.

There would be a building boom on Main Street, if brick could be had at any reasonable price. Brick cannot be purchased any nearer than Tacoma. We can see no reason why it would not be a paying proposition for some body to burn a few kilns.

Chas Smith commenced threshing his grain with a combined harvester. It is said to be working successfully.


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