Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

July 31, 2014

[Photo Caption] Emry Kleck holds the ladder as a worker adds signage to make "The Q" Main Street official. Rumor has it that the Kleck's hope to open August 1.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 22, 1999

The coming of the new year looks to be a non-event, say those who are on the front lines of ensuring power, public services and other aspects of American life are adequately supported or supplied. Worrisome, however, is the specter of either sabotage or a random accident triggering wide-spread panic and fear on a night that might fairly tingle in anticipation of the unknown. A handful of interested citizens listened Tuesday evening as representatives of public agencies, electrical utilities and financial institutions related their respective industries' efforts to be ready for January 1, 2000 – Y2K – when computers' internal clocks click past 11:59:59 to 00:00:00.

Fifty Years Ago

August 1, 1974

What are the newest additions to the Green Giant Company's 1974 pea harvest operation? Are they complicated contraptions run by pulleys, sprockets and belts that allow for smoother harvesting than ever before? Well, these additions definitely are not all pulleys and sprockets. But, it all depends if the buttonholes on the front of your work shirt are on the left or right side whether you feel these additions contribute to a smooth pea harvest. Why? Because the Giant's newest feature in the pea fields are women. That's right, nearly a dozen women were hired for work in the traditionally all-male field operation this year.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

August 12, 1949

Soaking showers fell between 5 and 9 p.m. Tuesday evening which was the first rainfall here since the last week in May.

Mrs. Louis Jacquot of Perryton, Tex. was honored at an afternoon birthday party Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Frank Danielson. Guests were relatives of Mrs. Jacquot who was the former Inez Danielson.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Brown of Prescott have announced the coming marriage of their daughter Deloris Dean to Donald Ford. The wedding has been set for Sept. 25.

One Hundred Years Ago

August 15, 1924

Born in this city Thursday morning, Aug. 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lloyd, a daughter. The young lady weighed 9 1/2 pounds.

Jack and Roland Allen of the Allen Grocery who spent several weeks camping back on the Weneha River, Wallowa Country, returned home the latter part of last week.

C. C. Quackenbush who will be high school principal again this year, returned Saturday from Berkeley, Calif. Where he spent the summer.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 11, 1899

Farmers in this area are having trouble in securing help as hands are demanding $2.00 per day for their services. Threshing men are asking six and eight cents for the threshing and sacks are held at seven cents. With such rates and wheat quoted at 40c per bushel the farmers think the outlook not particularly encouraging.

Mrs. J. C. Neace and two children, Mildred and Donald arrived in the city from Great Falls, Montana last Friday. Their many friends are more than pleased to see them.

I. A. Ingram sells dried peaches at 15 cents per pound. Get sample of his goods before purchasing your harvest supplies.


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