Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Port updates grain cluster progress, holds RR appraisal

DAYTON – The Columbia Port Commissioners held their regular meeting at 5 p.m. on August 14, 2024, at the port’s conference room. Commissioners present were Seth Bryan, Johnny Watts, Mike Spring, and the Executive Director, Jennie Dickinson.

There was no public comment during the first opportunity to do so.

The commissioners handled the usual administrative items, including approval of past minutes and the monthly budget. The commissioners briefly discussed next year’s budget, due this November.

This fall, a federal financial audit of the port will be conducted due to the use of federal grants this year. It will be the first financial audit since 2003.

Dickenson presented port asset updates. D & C Detailing, operating in the industrial park building five, has renewed its lease for two years.

The director said she and Mainstem Malt are interviewing architects for the Grain Cluster project and sent proposal requests to two architectural firms.

Dickinson said she is considering moving Food Stock up one week after the last two events were held on excessively hot days. On the original date, Food Stock had to wait to open until after the Dayton Alumni Parade finished. By moving the date up a week, the event can take advantage of the cooler temperatures earlier in the day. Dickenson said participants at Alumni Weekend are too busy with their events to attend Food Stock, so there is no advantage in holding it the same weekend.

Following up on the concerns about graffiti on parked railroad cars, Dickinson said the sheriff’s department could not act unless they catch a perpetrator in the act. Some citizens had previously told the port they feared the graffiti was gang-related.

According to Dickinson, the CWW Railroad appraisal will cost about $56,000 and is over her signature approval limit. Since the rail operator must pay half the cost, the commissioners will wait for CWW’s approval before signing a contract with the appraisal firm.

Spring said he would like to see the CWW Railroad handle passenger cars. The commissioners voted to allow Dickinson to sign the appraisal agreement pending approval of the rail operator.

The Rural Broadband project is waiting for funding from BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment), which will not be enough to provide fiber lines for every rural household required by the BEAD funding. An alternative solution will have to be found to provide affordable internet service to everyone in the county.

Spring’s Dayton Development Task Force update included efforts to install more benches and bike racks on Main Street. There was a discussion about moving the Sacajawea statue to a location where more people can enjoy it. The task force is also considering installing a splash pad if funding can be found.

In the final public comment period, Dave Harvey said the employee raises in next year’s proposed budget were “ridiculously low.” He hoped the commissioners would consider better compensation for the port employees.

Spring said the new owners would sign the sale agreement for Chief Springs Fire and Irons Brew Pub and pizzeria on Friday, August 16. Kurt and Sheila Berry, from the Tri-Cities, will take possession after Labor Day.

The next regular meeting of the Port Commissioners is scheduled for 5 p.m. on September 11, 2024, at the port and on Zoom.


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