Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

August 28, 2014

Waitsburg – It was an unusually full house at last week's City Council meeting, at least through the first item on the agenda: discussion and action on the new public art selection finalists. Members of the Waitsburg Art Commission, community members and artists alike were on hand to offer input on the final Council approval of the two bronze sculptures -- to reside on Main Street – selected by the Commission earlier this month. On August 13 artists Jeffrey Hill and Squire Broel presented their visions for "The Founding Fathers," a piece depicting Waitsburg founders Sylvester Wait, William Bruce and William Preston, while Keith McMasters and Wayne Chabre shared their concept for "Game Table," a sculpture honoring Fanny Weller and the young child of William Bruce who drowned as a toddler. On August 14 the Art Commission voted to recommend the work of Broel and Chabre to the Council. Chabre's "Game Table" depicts Fanny Weller sitting at the table, a young Edward Bruce reaches for a children's nook atop the table. The piece incorporates a game called" The Waitsburg Story" that visitors can sit at the table and play. Broel's memorial to the founding fathers is a 10-foot-tall obelisk created with four bronze panels. Engravings of the faces of Bruce, Wait and Preston will be placed at the top of each panel with images depicting local waterways and wheat fields running down the lengths. The fourth panel will show an eye in a harvest moon at the trop and will incorporate past, present and future contributors of Waitsburg on the panel.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 26, 1999

[Photo Caption] Waitsburg Cardinal volleyball will defend its Blue Mountain League crown under the leadership of these three returning letter winners. Melissa Wyatt, Stephanie Smith and Holly Menino, who posed prior to their first practice earlier this week, were on the 1998 team which placed sixth in state.

Fifty Years Ago

August 29, 1974

Waitsburg Cardinals started practice last week to get ready for the 1974 season under head coach Jerry Scott and Assistants Wayne Henderson and Mike White. Boys turning out are: -Seniors Neil Henze, Jake Long, David and Dan McKinley, Mike Sharpe, Jeff Wilcox. -Juniors Loyal Baker, Rod Estes, B.J. Hill, Kirk Huwe, Tom John, Rob McKiney, Steve Pierson, David Smith, David Webber, Greg Zuger. -Sophomores Chuck Burrington, Ken Cole, Tony Henderson, Mark Lambert, John Lindsey, Tim Pettichord, Kevin Richardson, John A. Wood. -Freshmen David Danforth, John Hadley, Andy Hermanns, Brice Jones, Cecil Largent, Mark Leid, John Lybecker, Wes McKenzie, Jeff Nichols, Larry Olson. Coach Scott said that he is real pleased with the turnout and the spirit of the boys.

Seventy-five Years Ago

September 2, 1949

The foot bridge under construction at the Scout cabin is taking shape. Last Sunday a small group of Scouts nearly completed the crib. Those attending this session were Howard Carson, Ernest Hermanns, Robert Webber, Robert Wright, James Nisbet and Ernest Kison. Plans are being made for a fall wedding for Miss Barbara Arthurs and Earl Thomas Baze of Sunnyside. Henry Zuger, Jack Pittman, Chas. Zuger and sons Bill and Fritz returned Sunday from a week's camping trip in the Wallowa mountains.

One Hundred Years Ago

September 5, 1924

Miss Elizabeth McCoy and Miss Florence Taylor arrived home Saturday from Bellingham where they have been attending summer school at the State Normal. Dr. C. H. Burkhart and wife of Wenatchee, drove down last Friday and are visiting this week with Mrs. Burkhart's mother, Mrs. Addie Bruce. Mrs. Mollie Miller has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Frank Hosley in Dayton. The waters of the Tucannon and north fork of the Touchet in Columbia County have been planted with 100,000 rainbow trout.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 1, 1899

J.A. Ingram has just received a large shipment of "Grape Nuts" which is manufactured by the Postem Cereal Company and which is becoming so popular with people who are inclined to be dyspeptic. Call for it. Lillian Houtchens will commence her school at Valley Chapel six miles below Walla Walla, next Monday. D.H. Harris made us a short call last Saturday. Mr. Harris has finished his harvesting and says that he had 80 acres of Red Chaff wheat which yielded 40 bushels per acre.


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