Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg School Board selects director

WAITSBURG — The Waitsburg School Board met at the elementary school library on September 19, 2024. Board Chair Stephanie Cole, directors Christy House, Charlie Barron, Abby Grende, and Interim Superintendent Carol Clarke were present.

After Carol Clarke was sworn in as Interim Superintendent, Cole introduced Cedar Stengal as the student school board representative.

Clarke gave the athletic director’s report, reporting on participation numbers for fall sports. HS football has 20 students, MS football has 12, and cheer has 14. High school volleyball has 11 players and middle school volleyball has 14 between a and b. The total for HS athletes is 45, and MS is 26.

Barrons was concerned about the relatively high number of cheer participants compared to the other sports. The board discussed a cap to ensure enough participation in other sports.

The board approved one of two stipend schedules, tabling the second for the transportation supervisor and vehicle maintenance technician. Barron felt that the position should require passenger-certification.

Clarke said the current transportation supervisor primarily handles scheduling and detailed reporting and could be an office position. There is no reason that person would be driving.

Barron felt a supervisor should be required to be able to do the same work they ask of others. He requested that the job description for the supervisor be changed to require passenger endorsement.

The board discussed hiring Kimberly Hamann as a Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher to offer family health and life management courses. Since the last meeting, Hamann received CTE credentials to cover the next two years as she completes a masters in CTE.

House asked for monthly updates on her progress. The board approved the hire with Barron as the only dissenting vote.

The board then discussed the Fine Arts program, specifically the music program. Barron said he had heard that the program was shut down due to budget concerns and wanted to know why this had not been presented to the board. Clarke said it was not due to the budget but a lack of students signing up for the elective.

Elizabeth Jagelski, the district music teacher, spoke about the importance of music education and the classes she offers this year.

The board interviewed candidates for the District 5 at-large director position. The five candidates, Julie Karl, Greg Zuger, Tia Hayes, Gwen Dentinger, and Stephanie Parrish, took turns answering the same series of questions from the board. The questions included how they would handle disagreement within the board and what they would do if they received a parnts complaint about staff.

The board evaluated the candidates in executive session before returning to select the new director. House nominated Karl, Grende nominated Zuger, and Barrons nominated Parrish. Cole made the deciding vote for Karl, who will serve as the District 5, at-large director.


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