Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

September 25, 2014

[Photo Caption] Lady Card co-captains Samantha Fedderson, Paige Wood and Caitlyn Jones pose with shirts they hope to see fill the gymnasium at their Oct. 23 home game. Proceeds from the "Pink Out" fundraiser will help a Prescott family.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 23, 1999

Elizabeth Abbey is continuing her distance-running accomplishments as a member of the Whitworth College Cross Country team and she may be competing in Walla Walla this week, depending on how well she has recovered from a cold. Whitworth runs in a local meet which will begin at 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24, at Ft. Walla Walla. The park is located on The Dalles Military Road in Walla Walla. Abbey, the daughter of Bruce and Barbara Abbey, has been fighting a bad cold this week, according to Bruce, but she may be well enough to compete in the meet. Abbey is one of the top three female Pirate runners. As a Waitsburg Cardinal, she competed in state cross country and track each of her four years, winning the 1,600 m. two consecutive years.

Fifty Years Ago

September 26, 1974

City Attorney Vaughn Hubbard was requested to draw up a contract between Joe Bodman and the City outlining the authority and responsibility of resident engineer on the water reservoir project. Bodman, a former Waitsburg resident and city councilman, has recently retired from the Army Corps of Engineers.

Mayor Roy Leid and Gil Sharpe reported on a solid waste management meeting in Dayton recently. Engineers will survey and explore the possibility of an agreement between Waitsburg and Columbia County which would allow the city to utilize Columbia County landfill sites. A building permit was issued to Roy Leid for the construction of a 14 x 40 foot addition to his home on south Main Street in Waitsburg. A second permit was issued to Elmer Estes for the construction of a carport.

Council requested a check on possible condemnation proceedings against various run-down vacant houses in the city limits.

City Clerk Joan Hays announced that the voter registration books are now open, and voters may sign up between now and October 4th when they close prior to the general election on November 5th. Councilmen Conner and Witt were not present at this council meeting.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

September 30, 1949

Col. Ed. Kimmel of Seattle, formerly of Waitsburg, was here Saturday to make arrangements to have a bronze marker for the Waitsburg Academy placed at the site of the old Academy near the entrance of the high school football field.

Deloris Dean Brown and Donald G. Ford were married in the Christian Church in Prescott Sunday, Dr. E. T. Allen performing the ceremony.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 3, 1924

Porter Shaffer who has been managing the C. E. Shaffer ranch north of this city for several years has accepted the position of lineman for the Waitsburg Rural Telephone Co.

Miss Maude Publes and Mr. Hal Turner, both of this district, were married Sunday at Dayton. We understand the young people will make their home at the J. L. Foster place on the left fork of the Coppei.

The price of wheat has been gradually climbing this week and as a result something over 80,000 bushels has been sold, mostly Triplett, which netted the grower around $1.20.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

September 29, 1899

Miss Amy McCown, Chester Woods and Harlan Mills have entered the high school.

At Walla Walla late Monday afternoon, Mr. Raymond W. Powell of Oakesdale and Miss Laura A. Chew of this city were joined in marriage by Rev. Lee A. Johnson.

Misses Tina and Grace Cox left on last Friday night for Vancouver where they will attend the Catholic school during the fall and winter.


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