Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Youth soccer is fun for athletes and fans

WAITSBURG - Youth soccer has started in the valley.  Boys and girls from kindergarten through fifth grade from Waitsburg, Dayton, and Prescott are improving their skills, working on teamwork, and showing great sportsmanship.

Karen Huwe

Peyton Childers from Waitsburg Presbyterian Church defends a Dayton player

 Waitsburg games are played at the fairgrounds, with weeknight games starting at 5 p.m. The season ends in mid-October.

Karen Huwe

Emmett Kibler far right from Grende Occupational Therapy signals score as players and the ball goes in the goal.

 Youth soccer is fun to watch, and the community is encouraged to come out and enjoy the games.  The youngest group plays without a goalie; sometimes, the players and the ball end up in the net.  Grab a lawn chair and support the kids. 


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