Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Celebrate Upcoming semiquincentennial locally

To the Editor,

The semiquincentennial (250-year) celebration of the creation of the United States will last several months (from March 5, 2024, commemorating the Boston Massacre, through July 4, 2026, commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence). Those brave founders, standing up to Britain, which had the most powerful navy in the world and a huge army besides, set forth ideas that have inspired the possibility of a democracy which allows diversity.

Democracies are always works in progress, requiring a maintenance that continues the revolution beyond the strains of war. One of the suggestions for celebrating this time is to champion local history--- something that Waitsburg has always been good at.

The Waitsburg Historical Society has shown such care over the years, culling through donated gadgets and garments, cleaning them, and making them presentable for the Bruce House or the Fall Festival. Sometimes paint had to be added and wasps subtracted from the premises to make things right for the public. Waitsburg really is “one of a kind,” like each person in it.

Michael Kiefel

Walla Walla, Wash.


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