Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Port updated on Knoblock Apartment project

DAYTON — The Port of Columbia Commissioners held their regular meeting at 5 p.m. on October 9, 2024. Port Commissioners Seth Bryan, Johnny Watts, Mike Spring, and Executive Director Jennie Dickinson were present.

During public comment, Blue Mountain Action Council’s CEO, Danielle Garbe Reser, said she had hoped to be closing on the Knoblock Apartments property the next day; however, the deal fell through.

The property’s owners had refused a two-month extension the Washington State Housing Finance Commission required to complete the funding for BMACs project. Garbe-Reser thanked the port for its support, which helped secure the WSHFC funding which would have covered the complete purchase and most of the renovation costs. She said it was very disappointing as BMAC had looked forward to the project improving the management and maintenance of the apartment complex.

Garbe-Reser said BMAC would continue to partner with Columbia County and look for other ways to help with services, including housing and the food bank.

The port’s office manager, Tracy Clark, commented on a comment made by the rail operator during the last meeting that the rail line and equipment had been given to the port, not purchased. Clark took that to mean the rail operator believed it could purchase the track and right-of-way for less than market value since the port had not paid for the property. She said the property having been gifted would not diminish the property’s value.

The first agenda item was a detailed levy presentation by Lisa Naylor on the efforts of the Parks and Recreation Pool District to pass an operations excess levy on the November 5, 2024, ballot. The levy would be for 20 cents per $1,000 assessed value in 2024 and collected in 2025. The unfunded district was approved by voters in 2023. The elected district commissioners were expected to work on a plan and budget for the needed work to provide a community pool before asking for an operating levy.

Naylor said the pool commissioners were communicating with WMS Aquatics from Ellensburg, Wash. that offered an existing design, tweaked to fit Dayton’s project. Using the modified design would save money by making an architect unnecessary. The district hopes the previous pool site will suit the new facility.

Dickinson updated the commissioners on the budget and other administrative items. The budget hearing for next year will be held in November.

Dickinson said the RCO funding Lyon’s Ferry Marina is in doubt. She will talk to state representatives to see what can be done. The RCO funding would help keep the RV park compliant with KOA membership requirements. 

Dickinson said she expected the railroad appraisers to present their findings to the commissioners on December 11, 2024.

The commissioners went into two executive sessions, one to discuss legal matters and the other for the executive director’s evaluation.

In public comment, after the commissioners returned to public session, port tenant and Red Band Cellars owner Dave Harvey said, “I know Jennie just had a review. I hope it went well. This place runs well, you have good people. I hope you see the value in those people; political and personal feelings aside, this place works.” The next port commissioners meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m., October 9, 2024, at the port conference room and on Zoom.


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