Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

October 16, 2014

Clients visit Denise Lane at her Blue Valley Acupuncture Clinic here for many reasons. Some have injuries to joints, some have arthritis, and some have chronic headaches or back pain. Some come just to relieve stress. “About 70 to 80 percent of my patients respond to acupuncture,” Lane said, explaining that their pain or other symptoms are reduced after a series of treatments. “Some don’t at all, some people’s responses are temporary, but many patients have dramatic and permanent improvement.” Acupuncture is the practice of placing fine, sterile needles at specific “acupoints” on the body to help relieve pain and reduce stress.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 14, 1999

[Photo Caption] An informal ceremony marked the groundbreaking of the Veterans Memorial Wall at the Waitsburg City Cemetery recently. The area for the monument’s base was staked out and the first shovelful was dug by Ivan Keve. The monument, which honors those Waitsburg servicemen and servicewomen who are buried in either the City Cemetery or the Oddfellows cemetery, is hoped to be completed by Memorial Day, 2000. Memorial contributions are coming in to fund the project. From left: Meredith Huwe, Keve, Karen Mohney, Walter Harris, and Rose Engelbrite.

Fifty Years Ago

October 17, 1974

A fleet of homes on wheels moved into Waitsburg this weekend and will shortly be on foundations already in place. These Boise-Cascade homes are part of a complex of retirement housing under the management of the Wheatlands group of Waitsburg. All of the homes on site will be ready to occupy within a few days, and renters are eager to move in. The large area in the center of town had one lone house, that belonging to Elmer Estes, at its southwest corner. Now he’s got some new neighbors.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

October 21, 1949

Miss Colleen Collins is expected home from Hawaii in November for a six-weeks holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anderson entertained a group of Waitsburg people at a buffet snack supper following the Little Theatre play in Walla Walla Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zuger are parents of a daughter born Friday, October 14 at St. Mary Hospital. She has been named Dianne.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 31, 1924

Kenneth Corbett, son of Mrs. Jane Corbett of Dayton was electrocuted while at work at the Farmers Agency mill at Huntsville Sunday morning.

The Waitsburg Fire Department was re-organized this week. Frank Vining is the new president; Dolph Todd, vice president; Marvin Lloyd, treasurer: and George Kanz, secretary. C. A. Woodward is fire chief and Don Thompson, assistant chief.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 20, 1899

Miss Bertha Chew has withdrawn from school and will keep house for her father.

Lieutenant Caldwell received a rousing ovation upon his arrival at his home in Waitsburg. The band met him at Bolles Junction, and anvils and all kinds of fireworks proclaimed the return of the volunteer.

Ol Parker this week finished seeding his ranch on the Hog Eye. He had seven gangs employed until the work was finished. He says to put the ground in the best shape possible means an increase in the yield from 10 to 12 bushels per acre.


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