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Cardinals enjoyed spirited Homecoming week

WAITSBURG - Waitsburg High School held homecoming activities during Spirt Week from October 14 – through 18. The 2025 seniors added some new class competition events for this year.

The week started with America Day on Monday, and students and staff wore red, white, and blue. At the afternoon assembly, one student from each grade (9-12) donned a blowup costume and competed in a dance. Sophomore Trace Nesje was the winner, performing as an oversized alien. Junior Blake Benavides was a chicken, freshman Aubrey King danced as a giant red blob, and senior Marion Duncan competed as a unicorn.

Tuesday was Pajama Day, and students participated in several bed races. In the first, someone from each team laid on top of an air mattress "bed." The other team members lay on the floor, moving the bed by rolling it from one student to the next. The junior class was victorious in first reaching the other side of the gym.

The next competition was the "bed slide," where students ran and jumped on an air mattress to push it toward the goal. As one student jumped off, the next jumped to keep moving their team's mattress forward. The junior class team won again.

Field Night was held at the school athletic field on Wednesday. Activities began with the girls playing touch football. The sophomore girls dominated, beating the seniors for the win. The student body then enjoyed pizza and a cake-eating contest. In the competition, one student stands behind a classmate and feeds them by hand. It is pretty messy but a lot of fun.

Wednesday was Color Wars Day for Spirit Day. After pizza, students ran around the field, dousing each other with brightly colored powder, turning white shirts colorful. Everyone was a winner of this event, as evidenced by all the smiles and laughter, and the evening ended with the juniors celebrating after taking the seniors down in tug-of-war.

The school saw a lot of Adam Sandlers on Celebrity Day on Thursday. At the assembly, students jumped, did handstands, wiggled, and whatever else they could do to empty the Kleenex boxes filled with ping pong balls strapped to their backs. Freshman Victoria Whitmore came in first, and Freddy Chavez was a close second, freeing their ping pong balls without using their hands.

Friday was School Spirit Day, and staff and students wore school colors to celebrate. To the crowd's delight, the boys competed in some buff puff volleyball. The boys need to work on their serving skills; however, juniors Jarod Hankins, Blake Benavides, Martin Vasquez, Koyen Fortune, Isa Reyes, and Logan Seal pulled out the win over the freshmen. If there were an MVP named, it would have been Bryer Paul, who showed up with some volleyball skills.

The next competition was musical chairs played basketball style. The students circled the chairs and when the music stopped, they had to make a basket before finding a chair. Two chairs were taken out each round. This repeated until junior Teegan Kenney was declared the winner.

Each class earned daily points for dressing up and winning spirited events. The seniors were the spirit week victors, juniors and freshmen tied for second, and the sophomores came in last. All enjoyed the fun-filled week.

The homecoming game was played on Friday night against Pomeroy, and the court was introduced at halftime. Freshmen Chloe McCaw and Dylan Guiterrez, sophomores Pilar Diaz Easton and Griffen Hinchliffe, juniors Matti Carter and Victor Whitmore, and seniors Lucas VanHoose, Cedar Stegall, Alyssa Hollingsworth, and Jack Karl. 

At the homecoming dance on Saturday, October 19, VanHoose and Hollingsworth were crowned King and Queen.


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