DAYTON – The Dayton School Board met in the high school library at 6:30 p.m. on November 20, 2024.
The board passed the consent agenda, including approval to hire Jonathan Sanchez as an assistant coach for Middle School Boys Basketball, to accept Michael Field as a volunteer HS Boys Basketball coach, and accept the resignation of Carly Benavides from the position of Title I Paraprofessional. Also within the consent agenda was approval to hold practice for winter sports on Sundays when necessary.
The Associated Student Body (ASB) report, including an overview of planned and recently completed activities, was given. The year’s goals include adding more fun activities and developing leadership skills.
The school board’s student representative covered much of the same material as the ASB report, adding October’s Students of the Month, which focused on responsibility. Representing the 9th grade was Karmian Pollan, for the 10th grade was Jaelynn Chapman, 11th grade, Carson Potter, and 12th grade, Lila Hutchens.
John Delp gave the Maintenance, Operations, and Grounds department report. He said the bugs in the new HVAC system in the Elementary Building were being worked out, and they are already seeing a two-gallon per hour boiler fuel savings. The next project is to install a new boiler and new temperature controls in the High School.
The Athletic Director report gave registration numbers for winter sports:
HS Boys Basketball: 15
HS Girls Basketball: 13
HS Wrestling: 1
HS Winter Cheer: 5
MS Boys Basketball: 20
MS Girls Basketball: 12
MS Wrestling: 2
Superintendent Wheatley reported that with the assistance of a contractor, the district was preparing a bid request for a gym roof renovation, which they anticipated would cost about $500K.
During the meeting, the board reviewed several policies and voted to approve resolution 2024-01, a Certification of 2024 Excess Property Taxes.
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