WAITSBURG - Waitsburg senior Cedar Stegall loves being part of Future Farmers of American, FFA. Recently, she filled out the application, sent her resume, and was interviewed before being selected to be a Sentinel – an FFA District Officer.
Stegall looks forward to the program's opportunities to travel and meet new people. She completed her district officer training in Sequim, Washington, where she went on industry tours and learned more about her role as an officer.
Stegall attended a meeting with the district's advisors and was given the opportunity to plan a workshop for chapter officers. Her goal this year is to help her community as much as possible and meet as many new people as possible.
Every year, district officers meet to plan service projects for their communities. Stegall represents a large district stretching from Waitsburg to Touchet and north to Tekoa and Rosalia. The officers planned to hold projects in three locations within the district: Waitsburg, Oaksdale, and Colton. The project in Waitsburg had a good community turnout for pancakes and bingo!
"The purpose of these projects is to give the team a chance to give back to the community while also getting the rest of the district involved," said Stegall.
Waitsburg's FFA advisor, Nicole Abel, enjoyed watching Stegall plan the event and cook pancakes with the other Waitsburg FFA officers. Bingo added a fun, competitive activity to the event.
"It was very serious business trying to win a delicious pie!" said Abel.
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