Ten Years Ago
December 18, 2014
There is a new chef at the Dayton School District and her name is Angie Monyak. "Someone told me the position was open and thought I'd make a good fit," Monyak said. "I was a little worried though. It's scary to make a change, and I'd been with the hospital for 10 years." Monyak is wowing the students and staff at the school with her handmade muffins and pancakes and her extremely popular full salad bar (for high schoolers and adults) and full mixed salad for elementary students. "Oh my gosh! Our lunches have vastly improved," said Kristina Mascall, a kindergarten through third grade paraprofessional who has been with the district for eight years. "They are more colorful. I eat lunch here now, and I didn't before. Many high schoolers were familiar with Monyak's cooking from visiting the cafeteria at the hospital for lunch time and are now giving the lunchroom a try, Monyak said. The average number from the first part of the school year was 5 or so high schoolers. Now, some days, as many as 25 eat hot lunch, she said. "And quite a few staff come in now-a-days, too. Probably five or six a day; there used to hardly by any."
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 16, 1999
[Photo caption] Children from the First Presbyterian Church presented their 1999 Christmas pageant, retelling the story of Joseph and Mary and their journey to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. Nothing was left out; there were shepherds, Wise Men following a star, the manger and nasty old King Herod. From left are shepherds Ashley Colla and Molly Johnson; Collin Johnson was Joseph and Shawny Ingle played Mary; Loren Eng and Moriah Hull, were Wise Men.
Fifty Years Ago
December 19,1974
David McConnell was elected to the board of the Touchet Valley Grain growers at the organization's annual meeting held recently in Waitsburg. He takes the place of Sam Grant, Jr., Prescott, who made an earlier decision not to seek re-election to the board. Joe Abbey and Bill Payne, incumbent board members, were returned to their respective spots on the board. Manager Jack Griffen reported a three percent increase in grain handled by Touchet Valey during the 1974 season over the previous year. The cooperative handled 171,454.590 pounds of grain during this year, with 95 per cent of it in wheat. A review was made on the approximate $70,000 of improvements on the McKay elevator site. The board is also considering two or three possible sites for a new terminal to be constructed in 1975.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 23, 1949
The home of Mrs. Bernard Donnely was opened to members of Odako Club Monday evening for their first annual Christmas party. She was assisted by Mrs. Joe Abbey and Mrs. Cecil Webber. Starlight Bluebirds met with Mrs. Brunton for their Christmas party with mothers as guests, including Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Otterson, Mrs. White, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hinchliffe, Mrs. Holloway, Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Wood, our leader.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 26, 1924
Last Friday evening at Preston Hall the local quintet of basketball artists better known as the Hayshockers took the Eureka Jackrabbits team into camp by the small margin of 63-8. The ladies' Priscilla Club, with their husbands, held a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Tom Groom on Wednesday evening. The evening was spent in music and a program of readings. Refreshments were served by the members.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 29, 1899
County Clerk J. S. Arnold and family spent Christmas Day and Tuesday in the city. The boys are going to have a rousing old football game on New Year's Day if the weather is good. J. H. Cox has received the contract to erect a new house, similar to J. H. Morrows new residence on Main Street, for C. A. Hales on his ranch about two miles east of town. Rev. Robert Walker of the Walla Walla Circuit of the Methodist Church, is spending the holidays with his cousin Mrs. Smith Hoops.
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