Ten Years Ago
December 25, 2014
[Photo Caption] Eight-year-old Kailee is blind but loves to snuggle in the beard of the only Santa she's ever known. Waitsburg Santa, Skip Winchester, made a pre-Santa-season trip to New York to visit some of his special friends.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 23, 1999
Outdoor Christmas light displays are very prevalent around town this year, with more than seventy light displays to be seen. Outstanding and sweepstakes winner is the home of Steve Huxoll, 141 West Third, which along with an abundance of lights, has a very lovely manger scene. Other winners were Marty and Becky Dunn on West Seventh Street; Lyle and Lillian Judd, 208 Bruce Street; and the Gary Thomas home on Coppei Avenue. Every street has displays: Main Street, Coppei Avenue, and Orchard, running north and south. Then there are the east and west streets, i.e., the Record home on Willard; the Mason, Lambert, and Otterson homes on West Fourth; and the Thompson home on Orchard Street – all old hands at decorating for Christmas.
Fifty Years Ago
December 26, 1974
Waitsburg City Council adopted a budget for 1975 of $484,622, an increase of nearly $86,000 over the 1974 figure. The $214,000 to complete the new water reservoir is the main item in the new projection.
J. W. "Bill" Thompson, representing the Waitsburg Lions Club, discussed possible improvements in various city facilities that could be helped by Lions. Some plans for 1975 are another picnic shelter in Preston Park, an extension on the river fence at the north side of the park, and a possible marquee for downtown Waitsburg listing various community activities coming up.
The Council approved the three suggestions, and also commented that the Lions could possibly help in moving the Waitsburg City Library to its new quarters.
Resolution 236 was adopted, transferring $60,000 from the Water and Sewer Fund to the 1974 Water System Fund.
Two building permits were approved One to Cecil Mawexll for an $800 storage shed; and one to Melvin Vance for a $2,500 shop.
Council directed City Clerk Joan Hays to write letters to owners of abandoned cars in the city to have the old bodies removed.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 30, 1949
Over 350 children were given treats of candy last Friday at the community Christmas tree on Main Street. Due to a lack of snow Santa was noisily escorted from the city limits in the Waitsburg fire truck.
Miss Mazel Travis of Waitsburg and Sheldon Hawes of LaGrande were united in marriage Sunday, December 18, following services at the Christian Church at 12 noon with Rev. Harry Anderson officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pollard of Renton are parents of a daughter born December 22. She has been named Julia Ann.
One Hundred Years Ago
January 2, 1925
Lawrence Michelsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Michelsen and formerly of this city, joined the navy about two months ago and is in training in San Diego.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
January 5, 1900
Elmer Stonecipher bought three spring calves of Chas. Sanders last week for $15 a head. Mrs. Stonecipher received a fine guitar as a Christmas present.
Married – In Dayton, Wednesday, December 26, 1899, Miss Jennie Blacktard and Mr. Frank Tewalt.
Last Saturday, the Pasig church bell, which members of Company K brought home with them from the Philippines and presented to the Waitsburg Academy was hung in the Academy belfry. Its musical chimes now call the scholars to school each morning.
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