Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

January 1, 2015

Losing a public works director with 40 years on-the-job experience is bound to be a big blow to a city, but that hit is softened significantly when the incoming director has 20 years experience of his own. At the Dec. 17 city council meeting, the council approved a recommendation from the personnel committee, consisting of Walt Gobel, Randy Hinchliffe and Marty Dunn, to promote city crew staffer Jim Lynch to public works director. Lynch, who replaces longtime director Dan Katsel, began fulfilling his probationary period in the new position on Dec. 1.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 30, 1999

[Photo caption] A recent photo of the Waitsburg mill, looking to the east. It was home to the offices of Touchet Valley Grain Growers, now Northwest Grain Growers, until that company's move to offices on Main Street.

Fifty Years Ago

January 2, 1975

Approximately 81 million 1040 and 1040A individual income tax forms packages will be printed this year, the Internal Revenue Service said today. For the first time, according to Michael Sassi IRS District Director in Seattle, more than 2 ½ million of these packages for farmers and fishermen will be printed on recycled paper as an experiment. He said that eventually the IRS hoped to print all tax forms on recycled paper for environmental and economic reasons. The 1974 forms also include the addition of a "no" box in connection with the 1976 Presidential Election Campaign Fund check-off. This will allow taxpayers to check "yes" or "no" in answer to the question of whether they want to designate "1 ($2 on joint returns) to the Fund. The 1974 forms will continue to make it clear that a check-off designation does not decrease any refund nor increase the tax liability of taxpayers

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January 6, 1950

William Elmer Bloor, 7 lb. 6 oz. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bloor was the first baby of 1950 born in Walla Walla County arriving at 12:06 Sunday, January 1 at the General Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leid are parents of a daughter born Tuesday, January 3 at the General Hospital. She has been named Mary Margaret.

The Waitsburg 4-H Boys and Girls Livestock Club had a busy and interesting weekend with a Friday night meeting and treasure hunt at the Otto Anderson home and a trip to station KUJ in Walla Walla on Saturday.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 9, 1925

Frank Hawks this week purchased a half-interest in the Harris Barber Shop from J. L. Harris, and came into the shop Monday morning.

Miss Opal Mock and Mr. Ronald Cherryholmes were married New Year's Day at the home of Miss Mock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mock.

Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Burkhart celebrated their first wedding anniversary Monday evening, January 5 by a high time at which 26 of their friends were entertained. Miss Carolyn Bickelhaupt won the prize as the best dressed character. Refreshments of chicken patties, ribbon sandwiches, coffee, pickles and olives were served. The evening was spent in cards.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 12, 1900

Early Monday morning of this week, January 8th fire totally destroyed Hansen and Hillsteds saloon, O. J. Beeler's barber shop, in the same building, J. M. Cockerline's drug store, John Smith's implement house and partially consumed the harness shop of H. G. Shuham, all wooden buildings. The loss will estimate easily $10,000 with but $3,880 insurance. This is the biggest blaze this city has had in eleven years.

Mrs. Etta Stimmel and daughter of Huntsville, left Tuesday evening via OR&N for points in Iowa on an extended visit to relatives and friends.

E. J. Crawford from Eugene, Oregon is visiting with his sister Mrs. Mary Dunlap and H. D. and O. M. Conover this week.


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