Ten Years Ago
February 5, 2015
[Photo caption] Volunteers (l-r) Robbie Skiles and Marianne Newell serve ready smiles along with the senior round table meals they dish up each week in the basement of the Waitsburg Presbyterian Church. Skiles says there is plenty of food left each week and encourages anyone age 60 or older to come and join them.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
February 3, 2000
If you thought it was a thrill to read about a cougar coming into town... how about a Bigfoot in your backyard?! Yes, that's right! A Bigfoot was spotted recently in the Starbuck city limits! The person seeing the creature does not want his identity known so we go with the report we got from the Starbuck postmaster and the deputy, Rick Ferguson. Ferguson is well known here, making his home on Route 2, Waitsburg. His wife, Terry, is postmaster at Prescott. According to Rick, the person who saw the Bigfoot, came into the post office later that day to report his experience. The sighting was about 3 a.m. last Thursday, Jan 27 and the Starbuck resident (whose house is near the Tucannon River on the outskirts of town) went outside for an armload of wood. It was then that he saw the Bigfoot, standing between the woodpile and a fir tree, Ferguson says. The man bolted back to the house and locked the door, remaining there until later when he came to the post office. "He said the thing (Bigfoot) was seven feet tall, with grayish-brown hair," said Ferguson "He also said it was real muscular and walked upright."
Fifty Years Ago
February 6, 1975
Ten students received 4.0 grade averages in the first semester at Waitsburg High School. Topping the list were the seniors with six: Krista Archer, Susie Danforth, Teresa Hulce, Ron Jensen, Susan Saranovich and Lauri Smith. Juniors with all "A" were Lauri McCaw and Loyal Baker. Susan Baril was the only sophomore and Deanna Miller the freshman with 4.0 averages.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
February 10, 1950
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Hawks and family are moving this week to the Will Hawks farm on the Walla Walla highway. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawks have moved into their new home, the former Bickelhaupt residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wardrip entertained at a surprise birthday party Wednesday evening for Betty Lou Klundt when several high school young people enjoyed an evening of games and refreshments.
One Hundred Years Ago
February 13, 1925
Ed Morgan, farmer of this community made a trip down below Walla Walla Tuesday and purchased 20 head of dairy cattle. The cows were driven out to the Morgan ranch Wednesday.
Orin Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Walker, has finished his course in General Agriculture at the Washington State College and is now home. Orin receives his "sheep skin" in June.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
February 16, 1900
Mr. Vollmer who has lately moved on the Wheeler place, promises to furnish us a full quota of pupils. The first installment of three came in this week.
W. E. Abbey this week received a fine Rose comb Brown Leghorn cockerel direct from North Dakota. Mr. Abbey has gone into the fine poultry business quite extensively and now has on hand 180 full blooded chickens on this variety.
Born in this city Tuesday February 13, to the wife of John Kinder, an eight pound daughter. This is the first girl to appear in the family, the other three children being boys.
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