Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

January 29, 2015

Waitsburg native Wyatt Withers, son of Laurie Withers and the late Ian Withers, and grandson of Jack McCaw and the late Laurette McCaw, has done his family proud by receiving recognition as the 2014 Sailor of the Year for submarine Squadron 5 out of Bremerton. Withers graduated from Waitsburg High School in 2010 and followed in "Grandpa Jack's" footsteps by joining the Navy, where he pursued a career in nuclear engineering. He excelled early on, finishing 13th among 320 students in the Navy's Nuclear Power School in Charleston, S. C.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 27, 2000

[Photo caption] Three-grain cars derailed near Bolles junction last week, bringing rail transportation along Blue Mountain Railroad's line between Walla Walla and Dayton to a temporary halt. The mishap occurred across Bolles Road from the Jack McCaw place. Crews from Northwest Grain Growers were on the scene Saturday, using special equipment to vacuum the 3,300 bushels of grain – almost 200,000 pounds – into waiting trucks, which then hauled the wheat back to the Columbia County grain Growers' elevator at Huntsville.

Fifty Years Ago

January 30, 1975

Telephone rates in Waitsburg will increase on February 1 under tariffs filed by Pacific Northwest Bell. An individual residence line will increase from $7.55 to $7.70 per month; two-party residence service will go from $5.55 to $5.65, and four-party service will change from $4.70 to $4.75 per month. An individual business line would increase from $16.10 to $16.30 per month. Other increases for in-state long-distance calls, service connection and move and change charges, and some complex business services are also included. All increases are subject to local and federal taxes where applicable.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 3, 1950

Game birds are in need of feed during the extreme cold weather, and the Waitsburg Sportsmen Association is attempting to aid in gathering some feed for the wildlife.

Bob Collins entertained several high school couples at a coasting party and supper before the school dance last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mantz, Jr., Lynn, and Patty recently visited the Headquarters of the United Nations at Lake Success.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 6, 1925

The Allen Grocery, conducted for many years here by Roland Allen and Sons, is now under the new management of Harry Buroker. The store will now be known as the Buroker Cash Grocery.

The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Aldrich in the Alto district was entirely destroyed by fire Sunday forenoon, together with all the contents.

Mrs. Emma Fox went to Pullman Thursday where she will have charge of one of the sorority houses the next semester.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 9, 1900

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kibler marketed a hack load of chickens and geese in Walla Walla last week. The price of domestic fowls remains high, seconding beef.

Mason McCoy, a well-known stock raiser and prosperous farmer near this city, was married in Lewiston on January 29, 1900, to Miss Mattie May Wood of Walla Walla. The Times extends congratulations to the couple.

Prof. R. B. Boice, who is conducting a dancing class in this city, visited Walla Walla on Monday and Tuesday.


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