Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Port of Columbia meeting update

DAYTON — The Port of Columbia Commissioners held their regular meeting at 5 p.m. on February 12, 2025, at the port’s conference room. Commissioners Seth Bryan, Johnny Watts, Mike Spring, and Executive Director Jennie Dickinson were present.

The commissioners handled a few administrative items, including approving minutes from past meetings and reviewing the monthly budget report. There were no new or amended leases to review. The commissioners reviewed and approved a sewer agreement with the City of Dayton, which allowed wastewater pipes to cross under and alongside the railroad.

The commissioners considered Resolution 2025-02 to authorize the director to apply for a USDA Rural Business Development Program grant for capital improvements to Blue Mountain Station building #2. The funds would cover improvements, including an HVAC system on the building leased by Cedar Rain, which will not renew its lease. A company that intends to produce gluten and gluten-free pasta has expressed interest in leasing the building.

Dickinson said the rail operator Columbia Rail had purchased material with grant funding to improve crossings and replace some ties. Some of the materials are being stored and visible along the track.

Dickinson said that the Economic Development Coordinator Jill Essency has resigned after serving 18 months to take a position with the City of Renton. Essency was replaced by Shane Laib, who previously worked with Inland Cellular in downtown Dayton.

The next meeting is on March 12, 2025.


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