Fifteen Years Ago
March 11, 2010
If Waitsburg had royalty, Bettie Lloyd Chase would be queen. A descendant of one of the original pioneer families, she is the go-to person for any questions having to do with the history of the town – much of which she herself has helped preserve.
In fine weather, she reigns from a seat on her porch, granting passersby a congenial greeting or a wave. Other times, she's bound to make an appearance at the round table of the Waitsburg Hardware & Mercantile, hands resting one atop the other on the head of her cane. Her wit is as razor-sharp as her mind; she does not tolerate fools easily. And today, Bettie turns 90.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
March 9, 2000
Nancy Mathews has grave concerns about living on "Cemetery Street." All kidding aside, residing on Cemetery Street was never a problem for Mathews while her mailing address was a route and box. But now that address changes for E-911 meld her physical address with her mailing address, Mathews wants the street name changed.
"I just want a pleasing street name," Mathews said. She implored with the Waitsburg City Council a second time last week for a different street name. She first suggested Mathews Street in honor of her deceased husband but concedes Buttercup or Wilson (for Wilson Hollow) would be fine with her.
Fifty Years Ago
March 13, 1975
[Photo caption] Cake decorators at the recent Blue and Gold Banquet. Left to right, Tod Larson, Tim Hulce, Matt Shea and Todd Wood.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
March 17, 1950
Effective April 1, the Mill Stream Dairy is being sold by Kenneth Bickelhaupt to the Dayton Creamery which is operated by Gus Hansen.
Glen Smith and Son have recently purchased a 260-acre tract of land in the Columbia Basin project near Pasco.
Mr. and Mrs. bob Brown are parents of twin sons Ben and Bill, born Sunday morning at St Mary Hospital.
Lewis Patton rode to town in a helicopter last week and had to hitchhike a ride back home.
One Hundred Years Ago
March 20, 1925
Tentative acceptance of a proposition from the Waitsburg City Council to the Board of County Commissioners for a new bridge across the Touchet River on the north end of Main Street to be built this spring and summer on a 50-50 basis, was accepted by the Board.
Sam Wills seems to be going into the chicken business "right" this season. He says he has 15 incubators going, the total of eggs running into the thousands.
George Gross was down Wednesday from Jasper Mountain and reports 4 inches of snow on the first ridge which fell Monday while it was raining in the valley.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
March 23, 1900
Seventh Street is being opened west to the county road, a street that has been long needed and which will be a great convenience to residents in that part of the city.
C. H. Kingman and family have moved into the Hicks residence on East Seventh Street. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks will leave about the first of the month for a summer visit to relatives and friends in eastern states.
The chicken law will be in force April 1st so keep your fowls up and save trouble.
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