DAYTON – The Port of Columbia Commissioners held their regular meeting at 5 p.m. on March 12, 2025, at the port’s conference room. Commissioners Seth Bryan, Mike Spring, and Executive Director Jennie Dickinson were present. Commissioner Johnny Watts was absent due to a scheduling conflict.
The commissioners approved the last meeting’s minutes, monthly budget, vouchers, and leases. Dickinson said CHS had an automatic lease renewal with a 3% rent increase. The commissioners approved the port taking electronic payments.
Dickinson addressed the termination of the port’s lease with the Columbia County Farm Service Agency, as directed by an email from the US Government Services Administration. The port will lose $41,000 a year in lease revenue from the cancelation.
Dickinson reported damage to the Lyons Ferry Marina breakwater. A Tidewater barge passed too close and fast to the breakwater, causing damage from a bow wave. Tidewater admitted responsibility and has agreed to pay for repairs.
The director announced that Red Band Cellars is closing its tasting room at Blue Mountain Station. It will continue wine production at its leased facility in the port’s industrial park.
Dickinson said the port had submitted two grant proposals to support setting up a pasta company at Blue Mountain Station.
The $400,000 USDA grant awarded to the port to purchase equipment for the proposed malt facility was frozen by the federal government. The downpayment was paid and there is a deadline to complete the purchase.
The commissioners approved Dickinson’s request to approve staff time to research questions about a potential sale of the railroad.
Regarding the railroad, Spring wondered if layoffs at the dams would impact operations and compel grain producers to choose alternative transportation for their grain.
In economic development news, Dickinson said that Associate Development Organization funds used by the port for county-wide economic development would be cut 50% after July 1. Dickinson is hopeful that the State Senate may reduce the severity of the cuts before they go into effect.
Shane Laib, Economic Development Coordinator, gave a presentation on a visit to the Spokane Golf Show, where they were able to tout Columbia County to potential visitors. Apparently, there was interest in expanding the camping availability at the fairgrounds for golfers visiting the area.
Laib said Foodstock 2025 is scheduled for July 19, 2025, at Blue Mountain Station.
Activity on Dayton’s Main Street was also discussed, including the apparent closure of Vikki’s Sweet Shoppe, R & B Barbecue’s closure of its dining room and move to a food truck and catering model, and the move of the Columbia County Commissioners office to the Columbia Pulp building. The old County Commissioner’s offices at 311 E. Main has been rented to Thrive CSS.
During the final public comment period, a citizen asked if the appraisal company had an opinion on the rail operator’s assertion that the port’s railroad property would only raise a million dollars at auction, not the appraiser’s valuation of thirteen million dollars. Don Hicks asked if the port should amend the valuation of the railroad to include the recent upgrades, including tie replacement.
The meeting adjourned at 6 p.m., and the next port meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2025.
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